So I have lots of files with weird characters in the name. Those <F6>, <F4>, 
etc characters are listed as "?", for instance "Making?Food?Recipe.doc". The 
version of CIFS I use, (b125) does not allow listing of files with those 
characters in WinXP clients. I must stay with b125 because of issues in later 

So I need to somehow, find all these files and rename them in an automatic way. 
I have tried 
ls -R | grep "?"
and then I find all file names with strange characters. But, I dont see the 
path to the file. Somewhere, in all subdirectories there are some files. But in 
which sub directory? Where? So I searched each file and renamed it manually. 
But that sucks. Hey, I am on Unix, not on Windows, there should be a way to 
automate it!

Is there any automatic way to search and replace? I can replace all "?" with 
"a", that is ok. I think there is a program in IPS which identifies files which 
has "?" in file names? And I can convert those file names? 

Any suggestions?
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