I setup OpenSolaris 2009.06 and installed+configured the smb service, and 
everything was fine. Joined the domain, created a share, setup permissions for 
them etc, everything working. Problems started after configuring another NIC 
and now nobody can login to the shares.

After getting CIFS working for Windows clients I moved to second phase of the 
project which is iSCSI target. For the iSCSI target I have second NIC e1000g1 
(e1000g0 being the "primary" interface for LAN). It took a while to find out 
that NWAM does not work properly with more than 1 interface active. So I 
changed to network/physical:default and configured:
/etc/hostname.e1000g0: netmask
/etc/hostname.e1000g1: netmask
Contrary to "OPENSOLARIS NETWORK ADMINISTRATION For Administrators Familiar 
with Linux" the /etc/networks file did not work (both interfaces came with 
netmask for subnet masks so I put them into the hostname.if files.

After reboot CIFS stopped working. Nobody (Windows clients) can access the 
shares and Windows just asks for password again and again. I suspect the 
problem lies at relevant services, maybe krb5 or smb itself trying to use the 
e1000g1 interface instead of the e1000g0 interface.
This may or may not be relevant, but even in Gnome the network "tray icon" 
gives out information of the e1000g1 and nothing about the e1000g0. So I assume 
somehow e1000g1 became the "primary interface" for everything and of course it 
stopped working because it is in different subnet.

For now I just removed the /etc/hostname.e1000g1 and everything back to normal, 
CIFS shares working.

So, is there a way to force krb5, smb, and possible other relevant services to 
a certain interface? Or am I doing something completely wrong here, or 
misunderstood something?
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