Quoting Jordan Brown <jordan.br...@oracle.com>:

Michael Anderson wrote:
So, this means that the entries are being found in the directory, but for some reason aren't being or can't be used for mapping - is that correct?

get-namemap and set-namemap operate on the "real" data stored on the
Domain Controllers, while normal mapping operations operate get their
information from a subset stored on the Global Catalog servers.  My
guess is that the attributes were not being propagated to the GC.

I believe that the problem is that msSFU30Name isn't exported to the
Global Catalog, and the directory-based name mapping stuff requires
that the data be visible in the Global Catalog.

Here's an article that says how to make an attribute visible in the
Global Catalog:

Hmm, I tried that, but it didn't seem to help.

It might take a while for the GC to get updated.  I don't know how that
mechanism works, but I believe they are separate databases and so I
doubt that changing the setting for an attribute has immediate effect.

I'm wondering if I should extend the AD schema as described in the CIFS docs. Although it would seem redundant, since the desired data is already in the SFU extensions.

I would hope that you could use the existing fields.

Note that you might be able to use sAMAccountName, which is already
propagated to the GC.  sAMAccountName is shown in the UI as
"Pre-Windows 2000 logon name", and I believe is always a copy of the

Thanks for all the assistance. Very helpful.

Sorry I can't be more definitive.

Here's a query that may help to illuminate matters.  You have to run it
as root so that it can use your system's credentials.  This is roughly
the query that the mapping code uses; if it doesn't retrieve the
appropriate attributes then mapping isn't going to work.

|# ldapsearch -R -h <yourGCserver> -p 3268 -s subtree -b '' -o
mech=gssapi -o authzid='' '(sAMAccountName=vuser1)'

# exte.comd LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <> with scope subtree
# filter: (sAMAccountName=vuser1)
# requesting: ALL

# vuser1, Users, domain.com
dn: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC.com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: vuser1
givenName: vuser1
distinguishedName: CN=vuser1,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC.com
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20091215103053.0Z
whenChanged: 20100510065727.0Z
displayName: vuser1
uSNCreated: 1122529
uSNChanged: 1352342
name: vuser1
objectGUID:: LtWX7JjtpUO3s3EVCIg1sg==
userAccountControl: 512
primaryGroupID: 513
sAMAccountName: vuser1
sAMAccountType: 805306368
userPrincipalName: vus...@domain.com
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC.com
msSFU30Name: vuser1
msSFU30UidNumber: 100029

So that's what that looks like. Should be enough, at least for uid resolution, or?

BTW, I just noticed something in a previous message:

svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ds_name_mapping_enabled=boolean: true svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring:msSFU30Name svccfg -s svc:/system/idmap setprop config/ad_unixuser_attr=astring: msSFU30GidNumber

First, I assume that the last command should be setting
ad_unixgroup_attr, not ad_unixuser_attr.  I assume that's simply a
transcription error, since your experiments seem to work.

Yes, it was a transcription error. But my experiments have stopped working. This was after I deleted /var/idmap/db and restarted idmapd. I also replicated msSFU30Name to the GC. Now I get:

# idmap get-namemap winuser:mand
Querying DNS for SRV RRs named '_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs' for 'domain.com'
Found _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.domain.com 600 IN SRV [0][100] bdc2.domain.com:389
                No namemap found in AD.

This is how idmapd is configured:

# svccfg -s idmap listprop
config                          application
config/list_size_limit          count    0
config/stability                astring  Unstable
config/value_authorization      astring  solaris.smf.value.idmap
config/machine_sid astring S-1-5-21-1373536303-522864990-3864964639
config/ds_name_mapping_enabled  boolean  true
config/ad_unixname_attr         astring  msSFU30Name
config/ad_unixgroup_attr        astring  msSFU30GidNumber
config/domain_name              astring  elego.de
rpcbind                         dependency
rpcbind/entities                fmri     svc:/network/rpc/bind
rpcbind/grouping                astring  require_all
rpcbind/restart_on              astring  restart
rpcbind/type                    astring  service
filesystem-minimal              dependency
filesystem-minimal/entities     fmri     svc:/system/filesystem/minimal
filesystem-minimal/grouping     astring  require_all
filesystem-minimal/restart_on   astring  error
filesystem-minimal/type         astring  service
general                         framework
general/action_authorization    astring  solaris.smf.manage.idmap
general/entity_stability        astring  Unstable
general/single_instance         boolean  true
general/value_authorization     astring  solaris.smf.manage.idmap
start                           method
start/exec                      astring  /usr/lib/idmapd
start/timeout_seconds           count    60
start/type                      astring  method
stop                            method
stop/exec                       astring  :kill
stop/timeout_seconds            count    60
stop/type                       astring  method
refresh                         method
refresh/exec                    astring  ":kill -HUP"
refresh/timeout_seconds         count    60
refresh/type                    astring  method
tm_common_name                  template
tm_common_name/C                ustring  "Native Identity Mapping Service"
tm_man_idmapd                   template
tm_man_idmapd/manpath           astring  /usr/share/man
tm_man_idmapd/section           astring  1M
tm_man_idmapd/title             astring  idmapd
tm_man_idmap                    template
tm_man_idmap/manpath            astring  /usr/share/man
tm_man_idmap/section            astring  1M
tm_man_idmap/title              astring  idmap

Second, setting ad_unixgroup_attr to msSFU30GidNumber will *not* work.
This mechanism needs an attribute that contains a group *name*, not a
group *number*.  Of course it would be easy to allow it to accept
either, but it doesn't currently.

That doesn't explain your problems with mapping vuser1, though.

Michael Anderson
IT Services & Support

elego Software Solutions GmbH
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25
Building 12.3 (BIG) room 227
13355 Berlin, Germany

phone +49 30 23 45 86 96      michael.anderson at elegosoft.com
fax   +49 30 23 45 86 95      http://www.elegosoft.com

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