A lot of changes were made between snv_111 and snv_134: that
spread represents an elapsed year of development.

'net view' on Windows should list share names, not paths.
Perhaps your Mac is using data from showmount rather than the
Server Service.

What do you see if you use a Windows client rather than the Mac?

Screen shots would be better than explanations of what you see
on the screen.  There are often important or subtle details in
the actual display that can would be useful in interpreting
what's going on.  A network capture would also be useful.

I'm not sure I follow the second part of your email.

Are you sharing individual home directories using 'zfs set
sharesmb...' or are you using smbautohome?

If you are using smbautohome, can you provide the rules you
have defined (content of /etc/smbautohome)?

Also, can you explain in more detail what happened previously
(on snv_111) and what is happening now (on snv_134)?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [cifs-discuss] Behaviour change between snv_111 and snv_134 regarding sharing home dirs
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2010 17:28:25 PDT
From: J.F.Gratton <no-re...@opensolaris.org>
To: cifs-discuss@opensolaris.org


Was there some behaviour change that I've missed in the doc regarding sharing a zfs dataset containing /export/home ?

Here's what I mean:

Before, on snv_111 (vanilla OSOL 2009.06, x86_64) I had a few datasets configured and shared :
zfs set sharesmb=on rpool/export/homes  (mountpoint = /export/home)
zfs set sharesmb=on data/multimedia (mountpoint = /multimedia)

- From a windows box (or a mac one, as a matter of fact), I could see the shares:
net view \\OSOLbox
showed grattojf and multimedia as distinct volumes.

- I could then share the volumes without any special config:
net use z: \\OSOLbox\grattojf /persistent:yes
net use m: \\OSOLbox\multimedia /persistent:yes

Now, on b134 I see this when I net view :
(no share names, only dataset names)

I found that I could change that behaviour while creating my shares:
zfs set sharesmb=name=multimedia data/multimedia
zfs set sharesmb=name=homes rpool/export/home

Then net view on the windows box will show multimedia instead of data/multimedia and homes instead of rpool/export/homes

Ok so far.. annoying but not in a big way.

Here's my problem (I'm being long-winded, sorry, but I thought that some people might find instructive what preceded) :

What is wrong with my home shares ? Doing it the way I've done, all other users accounts (under /export/home) are now visible and browseable. There seems to be missing some granularity like SAMBA offered, something like /export/home/%u so that for a given (mapped) user, %u (the user's $HOME) would be visible.

Did I miss this, or is it really an issue ?

To make sure that you people understand, nothing changed client-side (the windows boxen) and the "only" (big as it is !) change that occured on server-side was the upgrade from b111 to b134. zfs-wise I've done a zpool upgrade, that's it. No changes on the datasets themselves.

Any ideas, people ?

Thanks in advance,

-- Jeff
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