I run Solaris 11 Express, successfully joined an AD domain with "smbadm join" 
and with a proper Kerberos config like [1]. Can anybody tell me why files 
created by these users locally (on Solaris itself, not through CIFS!) end up 
with the ownership of 'nobody'?

# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
# su - myu...@example.com
su: No directory! Using home=/
$ id
uid=2147491842(myu...@example.com) gid=2147483650(Domain us...@example.com)
$ touch /tmp/test
$ ls -l /tmp/test
-rw-r--r--   1 nobody   nobody         0 Aug 24 14:28 /tmp/test

It doesn't even involve CIFS and the typical id mapping complexity... Is the 
system treating the ephemeral IDs of domain users as a special case and 
converting them to 'nobody'? My idmap policy is pretty standard: it is just 
used to map a few domain users who have local unix accounts by the same name:

# idmap list
add     wingroup:*@example.com       unixgroup:*
add     winuser:*@example.com        unixuser:*

The most puzzling thing is that this Solaris server is also serving a share 
using native CIFS support (zfs set sharesmb=on xxx), and ownership of files 
created by remote users through CIFS is perfectly correct. I only encounter 
this problem when creating files locally (I was hoping to give my users SSH 
access to allow manipulating the files locally...)

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