Hi Andrew:
Here is the logic for returning deleted and/or recycled state:

  1.  dirSyn per-object security mode
  2.  parent does not allow visibility
  3.  Object is deleted or recycled
  4.  Deleted or recycled attribute has changed since last sync

If LDAP_DIRSYNC_OBJECT_SECURITY is specified and all conditions above are true 
and caller has asked for deleted and/or recycled, just return the state of the 

The wording in the MS-ADTS for LDAP_DIRSYNC_OBJECT_SECURITY can also be made 
clearer. I'll file a TDI to include above logic as well as clean up the 
existing wording. But before that, I want to know if the information above 
resolves your issue?

Obaid Farooqi
Escalation Engineer | Microsoft

From: Andrew Bartlett <abart...@samba.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 29, 2023 1:29 PM
To: Obaid Farooqi <oba...@microsoft.com>
Cc: cifs-protocol mailing list <cifs-protocol@lists.samba.org>; Microsoft 
Support <supportm...@microsoft.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: DirSync ACLs and Deleted Objects - 

Do you mean "whether an object is returned or not"?


To expand further: In DirSync as described the behaviour is that a deleted 
object only returns the GUID and deletion state.

What I mean by a filter attack is that because not all Deleted objects are 
returned, only those that match the filter, we can work out if the object 
matched the filter by noting if it was returned (just a GUID and deletion 
state), or not (no object returned).

What I'm getting at is that it appears that the object ACLs, including list 
children, ACLs, are applied for other objects - we don't have an information 
leak for 'live' objects.  But that isn't documented.

And there seems to be some special codepath (required to keep this protocol 
plausibly working) for Deleted objects, either for all deleted objects or a 
specific exemption for the CN=Deleted Objects SD.

Thanks so much for your assistance!

Andrew Bartlett

On Fri, 2023-10-27 at 19:29 +0000, Obaid Farooqi wrote:

Hi Andrew:

I'll help you with this issue.

I need a little clarification. I did not understand what you have in the 
following sentence between dashes:

"They are stripped of most information, but a filter attack (eg search for 
CN=a*) can be used to discover the values - an object is returned nor not - 
showing that the objects are readable in that context."

Do you mean "whether an object is returned or not"?


Obaid Farooqi

Escalation Engineer | Microsoft

-----Original Message-----

From: Obaid Farooqi

Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 5:18 PM

To: Andrew Bartlett <



Cc: cifs-protocol mailing list <


>; Microsoft Support <



Subject: DirSync ACLs and Deleted Objects - TrackingID#2310230040015878

Hi Andrew:

Thanks for contacting Microsoft. I have created a case to track this issue. A 
member of the open specifications team will be in touch soon.


Obaid Farooqi

Escalation Engineer | Microsoft

-----Original Message-----

From: Andrew Bartlett <



Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 4:15 PM

To: cifs-protocol mailing list <


>; Interoperability Documentation Help <



Subject: [EXTERNAL] DirSync ACLs and Deleted Objects

Hi Dochelp,


Windows Server 2003 operating system and later: If

  this flag is present, the client can only view objects and attributes

  that are otherwise accessible to the client. If this flag is not present, the

  server checks if the client has access rights to read the changes in the NC.

  Windows 2000 operating system: Not supported.

However, there is an exception.  Objects that are deleted are returned, despite 
the ACL on CN=Deleted objects.  They are stripped of most information, but a 
filter attack (eg search for CN=a*) can be used to discover the values - an 
object is returned nor not - showing that the objects are readable in that 

MSRC has just closed my case (82978) as it was determined this issue doesn't 
cross any MSRC recognized security boundaries.

However, neither is this documented.  There is nothing in the above reference 
nor in MS-DRSR 5.115.3 ProcessDirSyncSearchRequest that explains how ACLs are 
applied to DirSync in the normal case, nor the apparent exception for 
CN=Deleted Objects.

The reason I say 'apparent exception' is that, if the ACL that blocks 'list 
children' on CN=Deleted Objects were honoured, then:

bin/ldbsearch -H ldap:// -Uandrew%password ou=spy2\*



Can't load /usr/local/samba/etc/smb.conf - run testparm to debug it

# record 1


objectGUID: 0ae90a39-9fbe-4a77-8651-abefa1f1eace

isDeleted: TRUE

isRecycled: TRUE

Should not be able to return anything, and shouldn't indicate that an object 
known previously as spy2 existed.

>From testing, it appears that only this special DN is excluded - if we have an 
>object that is hidden because the parent denies 'List Children', then these 
>don't show up.  So, if we are going to get our DirSync behaviour more 
>consistent, we would like to be sure of exactly what the rules are here.


Andrew Bartlett


Andrew Bartlett (he/him)


Samba Team Member (since 2001)


Samba Team Lead


Catalyst.Net Ltd

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Catalyst IT - Expert Open Source Solutions

Andrew Bartlett (he/him)       https://samba.org/~abartlet/
Samba Team Member (since 2001) https://samba.org<https://samba.org/>
Samba Team Lead                https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba
Catalyst.Net Ltd

Proudly developing Samba for Catalyst.Net Ltd - a Catalyst IT group company

Samba Development and Support: https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba

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