Hi Jeff,

I hope to find the time to collect the required stuff.

In addition to the traces below, could you also upload any Events from the appropriate time 
range? > In Event Viewer, navigate to Application and Services Logs > Microsoft > 
Windows > SMBWitnessSService (from the cluster), and SMBWitnessClient from the client.

But note I was talking about samba being the server and windows server 2022 
being the client,
so SMBWitnessSService is not relevant. But I'll include SMBClient in addition 
to SMBWitnessClient
from the client.

To help troubleshoot this issue, I would like to collect ETL (t.cab) traces as 
well as the network capture you offered.

Please find attached t.cmd.txt, which can be renamed to t.cmd and copied to any 
folder on your server.
To collect traces:
        1. From an elevated command prompt on the Server, execute the command 
‘t.cmd srvon’

Is this really correct as I only have windows as a client not a server.


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