How the worst effects of climate change will be felt by the poorest 
By Michael McCarthy and Stephen Castle 

Published: 07 April 2007 
Humanity will be divided as never before by climate change, with the world's 
poor its disproportionate victims, the latest United Nations report on the 
coming effects of global warming made clear yesterday. 

Existing divisions between rich and poor countries will be sharply exacerbated 
by the pattern of climate-change impacts in the coming years, predicted in the 
study from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Increased drought, crop failure, disease, extreme weather events and sea level 
rise are all likely to fall much more heavily on struggling populations in 
Africa, Asia and South America than on the rich industrial societies of Europe, 
North America and Australia - who have done most to cause global warming 
through greenhouse gas emissions in the past, and who are best able to afford 
counter-measures to limit its consequences.

This picture of great inequity and a great climate divide was seized on by aid 
agencies and environmental pressure groups. "Governments must act now to stop a 
catastrophe for the world's poor," said Benedict Southworth, director of the 
anti-poverty charity the World Development Movement. "Climate change is no 
longer just an environmental issue, it is a looming humanitarian catastrophe," 
said Friends of the Earth International's climate campaigner, Catherine Pearce.

The IPCC chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, said in launching the report: "The 
poorest of the poor in the world - and this includes poor people in prosperous 
societies - are going to be the worst hit. People who are poor are least able 
to adapt to climate change."

The study, endorsed by all the major UN member states, was the second part of 
the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report, or AR4. The first part, released in Paris 
two months ago, dealt with the science of climate change and likely future 
temperature rises. Yesterday's report goes on to detail the potential impacts 
of those rises on the natural world and on human society.

It was released in Brussels only after an all-night argument in which some 
countries responsible for increasingly high greenhouse gas emissions, led by 
China, the US and Saudi Arabia, succeeded in watering down the text from its 
initial draft.

However, the picture painted by the final consensus document was stark enough, 
setting out the dire consequences of global warming, sector by sector and 
region by region, if strong action is not taken to limit its effects.

The impacts are already visible, the report said, with significant changes due 
to rising temperatures now apparent in ice masses, water bodies, agriculture 
and ecosystems. Changes consistent with higher temperatures have been noted in 
29,000 sets of data and 75 separate studies; they range from melting permafrost 
in Arctic regions to shifting distributions of fish populations, and earlier 
timing of spring events such as leaf-unfolding, bird-migration and egg-laying.

But it is the future impacts that are potentially catastrophic. The report sets 
out changes likely in the years to come in freshwater resources, food, coastal 
systems, communities, health and natural ecosystems.

In the last-named, they are quite extraordinary. Up to 30 per cent of plant and 
animal species so far assessed are likely to be at increased risk of extinction 
if increases in global temperature exceed 1.5-2.5C, the report says.

A picture of a great climate-change divide between rich and poor countries 
becomes startlingly visible in the report. Africa is the worst case. Some of 
the projected changes are horrifying - and only just around the corner. "By 
2020, between 75 and 250 million people [in Africa] are projected to be exposed 
to an increase of water stress due to climate change," the report says.

African agricultural production is projected to be "severely compromised by 
climate variability and change," with decreases likely in the area suitable for 
agriculture, the length of the growing season and yield potential. "In some 
countries, yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by up to 20 per 
cent by 2020," the report says.

Asia is not far behind, with many negative impacts expected. They include a 
water "double whammy" as Himalayan glaciers irreversibly melt - first, 
increased flooding in glacier-fed rivers from the meltwater, then decreased 
water resources as the glaciers disappear.

Asian coastal areas, especially the big cities in the seven "mega-deltas" from 
India's Ganges to China's Yangtze, will be at greatly increased risk of 
flooding, with an associated increase in death to due to diarrhoeal disease, 
while by 2050, crop yields in central and south Asia may drop by 30 per cent.

In Latin America, water supplies available for human consumption, agriculture 
and energy generation are predicted to be "significantly affected" by changes 
in rainfall patterns and the disappearance of Andean glaciers. Parts of the 
Amazon rainforest are likely to turn into semi-arid savannah.

In the richer continents the effects, at least in the short term, will not be 
as severe, and will be easier to defend against. Indeed, some may be beneficial 
for a time: in the warming atmosphere, crop yields in North America may rise by 
up to 20 per cent, and there may be some agricultural benefits for Australasia. 
Europe will have to deal with the likely disappearance of skiing, more 
heatwaves and an increase in flash flooding - but not starvation.

However, in the long term, the report says, any temporary benefits will be 
overwhelmed by the damage rising temperatures will wreak all over the globe.

The children who will pay the price for climate change


Catastrophic flooding, associated waterborne diseases and shortages of drinking 
water, all caused by climate change, are likely to figure increasingly strongly 
in the life of Ziaul as he grows up in Bangladesh.


Hunger is likely to play an increasingly distressing role in the life of 
Ernestina as she comes of age in Mozambique, with much of Africa's agriculture 
becoming unviable because of the rising temperatures.

Raul Bucardo, NICARAGUA

Extreme weather events, such as Hurricane Mitch which devastated his country's 
capital Tegucigalpa in 1998, may become an increasingly regular and hazardous 
fact of life in Nicaragua where Raul lives.


The violence of the sea may loom ever larger in the life of Luke from the 
Solomon Islands, as rises in sea levels threaten small islands with bigger 

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