Sunday, 3, June, 2007 (17, Jumada al-Ula, 1428)

      Qur'an Is the Main Source of Inspiration'
      P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News 

            Dr. Abdullah Basfar    
      JEDDAH, 3 June 2007 - Throughout history, the Holy Qur'an has been the 
main source of inspiration for non-Muslims to embrace Islam, said Dr. Abdullah 
Basfar, secretary-general of the International Organization for the 
Memorization of the Holy Qur'an and professor of Islamic studies at the King 
Abdul Aziz University.

      Basfar, who was addressing a meeting of Qur'an Study Center students in 
Jeddah, emphasized the importance of practicing the teachings of the Qur'an. 
"The companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) had tried to practice 
whatever they learned from the Qur'an without delay," he said.

      Basfar, who is imam and khateeb of the Shuaibi Mosque in Jeddah, said 
many scientific factors mentioned in the Qur'an were only discovered by modern 
science very recently. Prof. Keith Moore, a former anatomist at the University 
of Toronto, had expressed his astonishment at the accuracy of statements in the 
Qur'an on the development of human embryo inside the womb 1,400 years before 
the science of embryology was established.

      "The Qur'an is the main reason for people embracing Islam," Basfar said. 
He further cited the growing demand for the translation of the meaning of the 
Qur'an in the West. "The second Caliph, Omar ibn Khattab was attracted to Islam 
after hearing the verses of the Qur'an. Most companions of the Prophet came to 
the fold of Islam after hearing its verses," he added.

      Dr. Basfar called upon Muslims to read the Qur'an and think about its 
meaning. "It is better to read the chapter Al-Baqara and to understand its 
meaning than reading the chapters of Al-Baqara and Al-Imran together without 
understanding their meaning," he said quoting a Hadith of the Prophet.

      Jamal Mohammed, a Qur'anic researcher, spoke about how Muslims should 
approach the Holy Book to gain maximum benefit. "We have to read the Qur'an as 
if Allah is talking to us," he said. "The Qur'an has challenged the world to 
bring a chapter similar to it but nobody has accepted this challenge and this 
proves that it's the word of Allah. One orientalist said that if the Qur'an is 
not the word of God we have to say that Mohammed himself is God."

      He added that the enemies had utterly failed to disprove its divinity and 
that using Qur'anic verses as a ring tone was disrespectful to the holy book.

      In his thought-provoking lecture, Jamal Muhiyuddin, supervisor of the 
center, spoke about the great social and cultural revolution brought about by 
the Qur'an. "The Qur'an is not a book to decorate our homes and libraries. It's 
a divine message to follow in all walks of our lives," he said. "We should know 
how the Qur'an transformed the people of Arabia into leaders world 
civilization. The empire of Islam expanded covering a large part of the world."

      The faith in the hereafter life was another important teaching of the 
Qur'an. "This belief made Muslims more active and inspired them to confront 
troubles, tribulations and challenges without fear." He added that the Qur'an 
encouraged Muslims to stop drinking alcohol with a single verse. "When Muslims 
in Madinah heard about the prohibition, they threw alcohol bottles the same day 
without waiting." Muslim women also proved their commitment by wearing hijab 
when the verses about Islamic dress were first revealed in the holy book. "If 
Muslims follow the Qur'an in the right manner it would definitely change their 
present pathetic situation and bring back their lost glory," Muhiyuddin said.

      K.K. Nissar, coordinator of the center, explained his organization's 
efforts to teach the Keralite Muslim community in Jeddah the meaning and 
message of the Qur'an and how to recite it properly. More than 300 men and 
women benefit from these classes. The meeting was held at WAMY auditorium.

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