Indonesian Muslims say violence not allowed in Islam


June 21, 2007 at 6:42 AM EDT

JAKARTA - Only 2 per cent of Indonesian Muslims believe their religion allows 
violence against non-Muslims, a survey showed on Thursday, but organizers said 
the figure was still a worry in the country of 220 million.

The survey by private pollster Indo Barometer and the Wahid Institute revealed 
that 93 per cent of Muslims in the world's most populous Muslim nation believe 
Islam does not allow militancy.

"A majority of Muslims said terrorism, violence, violent acts towards 
non-Muslims and using violence to fight vice is not allowed in Islam," it said.

But it said, the survey also "shows there is a group of people that could 
potentially be recruited to use violence against others on behalf of religion".

Over 1,000 Indonesian Muslims from across Indonesia's 33 provinces were 
interviewed for the poll in May.

The Wahid Institute was founded by former Indonesian president Abdurrahman 
Wahid to promote plural and peaceful Islam. Earlier this month, it co-hosted an 
international meeting of religious leaders to denounce the Holocaust denial.

Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country, 85 per cent of whom 
follow Islam, giving the Asian archipelago the largest Muslim population of any 
nation in the world.

While the vast majority of Indonesia's Muslims are relatively moderate, there 
has been an increasingly vocal militant minority and political pressure for 
more laws that are in line with hard-line Muslim teachings.

More than half of people interviewed said bombing attacks by militants are 
still a threat to Indonesia, which has witnessed a string of deadly attacks in 
recent years blamed on Southeast Asian militant group Jemaah Islamiah (JI).

Jemaah Islamiah is an armed movement backing the creation of an Islamic 
superstate linking Muslim Indonesia and Malaysia, and Muslim areas in the 
Philippines and Thailand.

In the past, it has co-operated closely with al-Qaeda's global anti-Western 
campaign, but in recent years many in Jemaah Islamiah have focused more on the 
regional struggle.

Indonesia arrested two top JI leaders this month, dealing a blow to Islamic 
militants in the country, but experts believe they are still capable of 
mounting attacks.

It also showed that nearly 98 per cent believed the curriculum of Islamic 
boarding schools, or pesantrens, is not responsible for the radical ideas of 

Indonesia has about 14,000 pesantrens, the vast majority of them being moderate 
and venerated, having educated many of the country's Muslim elite.

They also form the backbone of the 40-million-member Nahdlatul Ulama, 
Indonesia's biggest moderate Muslim group that accounts for 12,000 of the 
registered schools.

The schools have been blamed for encouraging fundamentalism and Indonesian 
authorities have said they would monitor them as part of efforts to fight 
militant violence.

Two Muslim militants, Amrozi and and Mukhlas, who have been sentenced to death 
for the 2002 Bali nightclub bombings, studied at the Al-Mukmin Islamic school. 
The Brussels-based International Crisis Group has branded the school the "Ivy 
League" of militants.

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