Letter from Europe: Russia's demographic crisis 
By Judy Dempsey

Thursday, September 6, 2007 
BERLIN: It is a tragedy touching millions. Sixty years after World War II, 
Russians are dying younger in peacetime than their grandparents did under 
Stalin. They are having fewer children, and many are falling mortally ill from 
alcohol-related diseases.

The alarming trends have accelerated since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 
1991, despite the unprecedented growth of the Russian economy, which is 
expected to increase 7 percent this year, fueled by high energy prices. 
Russians who should be reaping the benefits of such growth are not.

"A terrible demographic crisis is taking place," said Nikolay Petrov, a 
specialist on Russian society at the Carnegie Center in Moscow. "Over the next 
20 years, Russia will need 20 million immigrants to compensate for the labor 
shortage. This is the first time in which the population and labor force are 
declining together. It will have an enormous impact on Russia's economic and 
strategic ambitions."

Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has only recently acknowledged part of 
the problem by promising more money for mothers who have a second child. Petrov 
said the root causes - cardiovascular diseases caused by alcoholism and smoking 
- were not being tackled.

Since 1992, Russia's population has fallen 3 percent, to 143.8 million from 
148.7 million. Other countries have experienced sharp declines over the same 
period - in Bosnia, the war reduced the population by 10 percent, while 
emigration sapped the populations of Armenia and Kazakhstan. In the case of 
Russia, domestic and social reasons, not war or emigration, are draining the 
country of its people.

"The drop in population in Russia is unprecedented among industrialized 
countries," said Patricio Marquez, lead health specialist for Europe and 
Central Asia at the World Bank and one of the authors of a new study, "Dying 
Too Young in the Russian Federation." Life expectancy of Russian men is below 
60 years, compared with 67 years in 1985 and 63 years in the early 1950s. They 
are also living 16 years less on average than their male counterparts in 
Western Europe and 14 years less than Russian women because of their lifestyle.

A report by the World Health Organization showed that heart disease, aggravated 
by alcoholism and tobacco, account for more than 1.2 million deaths - nearly 
half the total - each year. Alcoholism, too, is one of the main reasons for 
road traffic accidents and injuries at the workplace. While alcoholism affects 
fertility, demographers said, the trend toward increased female infertility is 
also caused by abortions and the increase in HIV-AIDS and other sexually 
transmitted infections.

The consequences may thwart Putin's strategic ambitions. Since coming to power 
in 1999, he has sought to resurrect Russia as a great global power. Thanks to 
high energy prices, Putin has paid off Russia's debts. He has used the energy 
revenues to build up a stabilization fund, now standing at $150 billion, to act 
as a buffer against domestic and global currency turbulences or to supplement 
pensions. He said last year that he had plans to diversify the economy to make 
growth less dependent on energy and commodities.

Internationally, Putin has promoted Russia's political and economic interests, 
opposing independence for the Serbian province of Kosovo and U.S. plans to 
deploy part of its missile defense shield in Eastern Europe. He is also 
investing in the armed forces and defense industry. These ambitions require 
money, which Russia has, but also people and skills, which Russia lacks.

"I am not sure the Kremlin has acknowledged the impact of the demographic 
trends for realizing these ambitions," Petrov said. "For instance, there will 
be a serious shortage of army conscripts. Yet the necessary military reforms 
have not yet been introduced to deal with this." Russia's internal security 
could be jeopardized as well. Marquez said: "Russia is a vast country with very 
long borders. Some of the border regions are being depopulated. Who is going to 
defend the borders?"

The economy, too, will suffer. "There is a big shortage of skilled labor," said 
Alexander Lehmann, senior economist and specialist on Russia's macroeconomy at 
the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London. "In 2007, 
Russia's labor force reached a peak of 90 million. It will be 15 million fewer 
by 2020. This will be a fairly substantial burden on economic growth. It will 
be more difficult to sustain high growth rates."

Indeed, those who are dying prematurely or falling ill are in the most 
productive age group. According to the World Bank, the probability of a Russian 
aged 18 years surviving to retirement age is 50 percent, compared with 90 
percent for a British citizen. "This is a major loss for society," Marquez said.

Domestic and foreign companies are already feeling the strain. Wages are rising 
an annual 12 percent to 15 percent, particularly in urban centers, because of 
the labor shortage, according to Lehmann. Foreign investors face an even more 
serious issue: a high rate of absenteeism caused by alcoholism. "For investors 
it is becoming very difficult to have a good work force free of alcohol. This 
clearly has serious health and safety implications," Lehmann said.

The World Bank and the National Center for Preventive Medicine in Moscow have 
estimated that the overall cost associated with reported workdays lost to 
illness varies between 0.55 percent and 1.37 percent of gross domestic product. 
This does not include reduced productivity because of ill health on the job.

Apart from paying mothers more to have a second child, the Kremlin has done 
little. While there are conferences by health experts focusing on Russia's 
demographic crisis, the authorities are lagging far behind in promoting 
awareness about alcoholism, modernizing the health infrastructure and improving 
working conditions. The Finance Ministry refuses to impose hefty excise taxes 
on tobacco or alcohol because of the power of the consumer lobbies. Law 
enforcement, particularly over drunk driving, is weak.

"If current rates of ill health and disability continue, the healthy life 
expectancy of Russian males will fall to 53 years," Marquez said. By failing to 
act now, before he leaves office next year, Putin will leave behind a much 
weaker, sicker and less secure country that in the future may be unable to 
preserve its status as a world power.

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