Oct 3, 2007 

The southern axis of evil 
By Pepe Escobar

"Hitler" did New York and was received like, well, the new Adolf Hitler. Then 
he flew south and was received like a revolutionary hero. Iranian President 
Mahmud Ahmadinejad has seen the face of two radically different Americas. Call 
it a practical lesson in the new multipolar world order. 

After the sparring at Columbia University and his speech at the United Nations, 
the Iranian president visited Bolivian President Evo Morales in La Paz and 
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in Merida. Both countries are rich in natural 
resources, against the George W Bush administration's hegemonic designs, and 
supportive of the Iranian civilian nuclear program. As such, they are 
configured as Iran's key strategic allies in South America. From the point of 
view of the Islamic Republic, this is regarded as nothing short than a key 
geopolitical victory. 

Ahmadinejad arrived in La Paz on a Venezuelan government plane. Iran and 
Bolivia swiftly established diplomatic relations and immediately agreed on a 
five-year, US$1 billion industrial cooperation plan, plus a $100 million plan 
to boost technology and trade. According to the Bolivians, the Iranians are 
very much interested in exploiting lithium and uranium in South America. 

Then Ahmadinejad flew to Venezuela for a new flurry of bilateral agreements on 
joint projects in both countries. The rhetoric was epic. Ahmadinejad greeted 
Chavez as "one of the greatest anti-imperialist fighters". Chavez answered in 
kind: "An imperial spokesman tried to disrespect you, calling you a cruel 
little tyrant. You responded with the greatness of a revolutionary. We felt 
like you were our representative." 

Ahmadinejad and Chavez have already met six times, in both Iran and Venezuela. 
Their economic and energy deals - on oil refineries, petrochemicals, the auto 
industry - amount to $17 billion, and counting. Iranian diplomats were 
ecstatic. Chavez' tacit support for the "peaceful use of nuclear energy" is 
considered "very important" - a counterpunch to the heavy pressure of the US 
and the European Union. The overwhelming majority of Latin American governments 
- including President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Brazil, who has very good 
relations with the Bush administration - regard Iran's nuclear program as a 
totally legitimate path to generate electricity. 

Naturally the Iran/Venezuela strategic partnership was widely denounced by the 
medieval Bolivian landowning oligarchy - which strictly follows White House cue 
cards and swears Iran is a terrorist state that wants a nuclear bomb. And there 
is nothing like "revolutionary nations" getting together to make the US 
industrial/military complex go nuts - with the usual ensuing apocalyptic 
rhetoric of an imminent communist-style "back yard" cross-border invasion. 

This is especially so when someone like Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia 
Linera regards Ahmadinejad's visit as a "political project". Morales' and 
Linera's MAS (Movimiento al Socialismo, the party in power) sees it as 
consolidating an anti-neo-liberal, anti-US-hegemony "alternative bloc", even if 
Bolivia, Venezuela and Iran do not exactly share the same political ideology. 
What they do share is a lot of precious natural resources, between Organization 
of Petroleum Exporting Countries members Iran and Venezuela, and Bolivia's 
second-largest gas reserves in Latin America. 

Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua and eternal US nemesis 
Fidel Castro of Cuba also qualify for the "alternative bloc". On Sunday, 
Correa, a US-trained socialist economist, captured a huge victory at the polls, 
with a new, truly representative batch of parliamentary members expected to 
follow the current corrupt, right-wing-controlled House and perform as a true 
constituent assembly. 

The big picture 
One does not need to be the invaluable Immanuel Wallerstein, professor emeritus 
at Yale and director of the Fernand Braudel Center in New York, to read the 
writing on the wall. Wallerstein argues that the Bush administration's 
endless-war ethos has not only exposed all the limits of US bombs-and-bullets 
power but has also laid bare to the world US political impotence. 

This is the real talk of the town in western Europe, Latin America, the Middle 
East, Asia and Africa: US hegemony coming to an irreversible end, revealing, 
Wallerstein would say, "multiple poles of geopolitical power". We are entering 
"a situation of structural crisis towards the construction of a new world 
system" - with no hegemonic power. 

The multiple poles include the US, western Europe, Russia, China, Japan, India, 
South Africa, Iran, Brazil and the southern cone and, Wallerstein would add, 
"maybe South America as a regional bloc". 

South America already boasts a powerful regional economic bloc, Mercosur 
(Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay as full members; Venezuela to be 
ratified soon). Mercosur could eventually gobble up the Andean Pact nations as 
well (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia). Internal tensions are rife - even if 
most are now under leftist/progressive governments. But every actor now knows 
the name of the game is to push toward true geopolitical autonomy. 

On one side it's possible to follow major steps toward regional integration - 
such as Brazil and Venezuela discussing the implementation of a gigantic 
southern gas pipeline. On the other side it's possible to detect familiar seeds 
of discord - the US doing all it can to keep Colombia as a client state. 

In a recent interview to Venezuelan/American lawyer and essayist Eva Golinger, 
US author Noam Chomsky very much put it all in perspective for those not 
familiar with the extraordinary egalitarian push now at work in South America: 
  For the first time since the Spanish invasion, the countries are beginning to 
face some of the internal problems in Latin America. One of the problems is 
just disintegration. The countries have very little relationship to one 
another. They typically were related to the outside imperial power, not to each 
other. You can even see it in the transportation systems. 

  But there is also internal disintegration, tremendous inequality, the worst 
in the world; small elites and huge [numbers of] massively impoverished people, 
and the elites were Europe-oriented or US-oriented later - that's where their 
second homes were, that's where their capital went to, that's where their 
children went to school. They didn't have anything to do with the population. 
The elites in Latin America had very little responsibility for the countries. 
And these two forms of disintegration are slowly being overcome. 

  So there is more, there is a pretty close correlation between wealth and 
whiteness all over the continent. It's one of the reasons for the antagonism to 
Chavez, it's because he doesn't look white. 

  Now it's conceded that there is a move to the left, but there are the good 
leftists and the bad leftists. The bad leftists are Chavez and Morales, maybe 
[Argentine President Nestor] Kirchner, maybe Correa in Ecuador - they haven't 
decided yet, but those are the bad leftists. The good ones are Brazil, maybe 
Chile and so on. In order to maintain that picture, it's been necessary to do 
some pretty careful control of historical facts. For example, when Lula the 
good leftist was re-elected, his first act was to go to Caracas, where he and 
Chavez built a joint bridge over the Orinoco ... it wasn't even reported here 
[in the US], because you can't report things like that, it contradicts the 
party line - the good guys and the bad guys.
Well, it's not about good guys and bad guys. Most of all it's about the old, 
arrogant, corrupt, sub-imperialist order, and the desire for a more just, 
equitable, continentally integrated order. Iran has seen which way the wind is 
blowing - and it's rather toward Caracas and La Paz than toward the bright 
lights, the big city. 

Pepe Escobar is the author of Globalistan: How the Globalized World is 
Dissolving into Liquid War (Nimble Books, 2007). He may be reached at [EMAIL 

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