The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily


            Thursday 18 October 2007 (07 Shawwal 1428) 

            Flirting Husbands and Their Wives 
            Haya Al-Manie, Al-Riyadh -
            One of my readers agreed to talk about her problem which is common 
to many other women. She said her husband has more than one telephone and that 
he is open about some while remaining secret about others. His secret phones 
are, of course, used to assist him in his hidden agenda of flirting and 

            It seems that many married men in their late 40s and 50s - many of 
whom have teenaged children - are living teenage dreams of romance and 
promiscuity. You would be surprised to learn how many women complain about this 
behavior on the part of their husbands. Some of the women know exactly what is 
going on and they spy on their husbands to keep abreast of their latest love 
adventures. They know the details and all about the dual lives their husbands 
are leading.

            One woman told me that her husband married another woman in a 
"misyar" relationship. He never told her but she knows he is having a terrible 
time since he learned that his "misyar" wife is pregnant. The wife eavesdrops 
on his conversations with his mistress when he uses his secret telephone. She 
used to hear him sweet-talking the other woman but now she hears him 
threatening divorce if the "misyar woman" doesn't abort her pregnancy.

            Another woman said that her husband had made up a completely false 
story in order to gain the sympathy of his new love. He told the new woman that 
his wife was severely ill and that she had urged him to find a new wife. He 
expressed how sorry he felt for his wife and said that even after he married 
the other woman, he would still honor his first wife by allowing her to remain 
in the house with her children.

            This woman told me that she is pretending to know nothing but that 
she plans to throw him out when he marries the other woman since all the 
property is in her name, even his car.

            A third woman said her husband was very well known for his multiple 
mobiles. He told her that one phone was only to return his mother's phone calls 
so it is around his neck 24/7. At one point, the wife grabbed the phone from 
her husband, saying she wanted to speak to her mother-in-law. To her surprise, 
the mother-in-law had grown younger and sounded very alluring and tempting!

            What a strange world. At first, I didn't want to believe what these 
women told me and I thought they were exaggerating. I do know that some women 
enjoy painting bad pictures of their husbands and exposing them in front of 
strangers if the men don't fulfill all their needs even if the need is only for 
buying some nail polish.

            I don't think that a man would have affairs behind his wife's back 
unless he was ashamed and he knew that it was wrong. However, this is 
unacceptable, unjustified and immoral behavior.

            On the other hand, others believe that getting married secretly is 
harmless as long as there is a legal marriage contract. I say that a man keeps 
something secret only because he knows that his family would disapprove, and 
knows deep down inside that his behavior was wrong.

            But what disgusts me is that some men stay married in order to 
enjoy their wives' incomes even if they are miserable and unhappy and are 
always looking for different partners. They keep their secret phones handy so 
that they can get the best of the two worlds. Once a person loses respect for 
oneself, he may do anything and by doing so, he is no different from an animal. 


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