Friday, October 19, 2007. Issue 3768. Page 3. 

Putin Promises New Nuclear Missiles
By Simon Saradzhyan 
Staff Writer   

      Alexander Babenko / Itar-Tass
      A Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile being moved Thursday to the 
Plesetsk Cosmodrome to be test-fired. 
President Vladimir Putin announced Thursday that the defense industry was 
developing new nuclear weapons as part of a "grandiose but fully realistic" 
plan to rearm the military.

"We will develop missile technology, including completely new strategic 
complexes," he said during a televised call-in show.

"Our plans are not simply considerable, but grandiose. At the same time, they 
are absolutely realistic," he said. "Our armed forces will be more compact but 
more effective and better able to ensure the defense of Russia." 

The clearly populist remarks were worded in a way that the public could easily 
understand. But the message also appeared to be aimed at the United States, 
which is determined to build a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe, 
despite Russia's objections.

Putin also took a question on U.S. missile defense during the call-in show, 
vowing that the armed forces would respond if the plans went forward.

"If these decisions are made without factoring in the interests of the Russian 
Federation, we will take steps to ensure our security," he said. 

The military's General Staff is preparing the response, he said in answer to a 
question from an officer who participated in the testing of an intercontinental 
ballistic missile earlier Thursday. 

The Topol-M, the nation's newest intercontinental ballistic missile, was fired 
from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in northern Russia and flew across the country to 
hit a target on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Senior Russian and U.S. officials have met repeatedly to try to resolve 
differences over the U.S. missile defense plans. Russia has expressed concern 
that the shield might be used to target its intercontinental ballistic 
missiles. Washington says it would only monitor and intercept missile launches 
from Iran and North Korea. 

Putin met with the U.S. secretaries of state and defense last week to discuss 
the issue again, and initial reports indicated no progress. But Putin said 
Thursday that the two sides had edged closer to a compromise. 

"The latest contacts with our American colleagues show that they have indeed 
given some thought to the proposals we made, and they are looking for a 
solution to the problems and for ways to ease our concerns," he said. 

The Financial Times reported Thursday that the United States had offered to 
scale back its missile defense plans if Iran halts its nuclear program. The 
report, citing senior U.S. officials at a meeting of NATO governments 
Wednesday, said visiting U.S. officials told Putin about the offer last week in 
an effort to convince him to put pressure on Iran. Putin visited Teheran on 
Monday and Tuesday.

Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, said Wednesday that Putin had 
carried a "special message" that included the nuclear issue in talks with 
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. But on Thursday, Iranian 
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denied that Putin had discussed any such 
trade-off during his visit.

During his call-in show, Putin also promised upgrades for the naval and air 
components of the country's strategic nuclear triad, including for Tu-95 and 
Tu-160 long-range bombers. He said conventional forces would be beefed up as 
well, with the commissioning of a much-delayed fifth-generation jet fighter in 
2012 as part of a rearmament program that will be completed by 2015.



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