The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily 

            Sunday 18 November 2007 (08 Dhul Qa`dah 1428) 

            'Israel Agrees to Return of 20,000 Palestinians' 
            Mohammed Mar'i, Arab News -
            RAMALLAH, West Bank, 18 November 2007 - Israeli Prime Minister Ehud 
Olmert agreed in a closed meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to 
allow 20,000 Palestinian refugees to return back into Israel in exchange for 
ending Palestinian intifada, a report said yesterday.

            The Palestinian independent news agency Ma'an cited Israeli sources 
as saying that the implementation of this offer will be part of a two-state 
solution and will remain at abeyance until the Palestinian Authority becomes 
more powerful. The report did not say what was the criterion used to arrive at 
the 20,000 figure or whether the remainder of the Palestinians and their 
descendants displaced by the creation of the state of Israel would be 
monetarily compensated.

            Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will not return 
to the Palestinian territories and Israel before the US-sponsored Mideast peace 
conference at the end of the month in Annapolis, Maryland, Voice of Israel 
Radio reported yesterday. Rice visited Israel and the West Bank three times in 
the past two months to help two sides bridge differences over a joint 
declaration ahead of the conference.

            Israel Radio quoted White House spokesman Sean McCormack as saying 
that Rice will continue consulting with Olmert and Abbas over telephone. 
McCormack also confirmed US President George W. Bush's attendance at the 
conference. Its exact date has not been officially announced.

            An Israeli government source told the radio that Rice's decision 
was a good sign as it showed that talks were making good progress and the sides 
did not need prodding. A Palestinian source, however, told the radio that 
Rice's visit would not make a difference as she cannot solve problems in 

            Separately, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said in a statement: 
"The Palestinian and Israeli negotiation teams will conduct intensive rounds of 
negotiations this week in a bid to hammer out a joint declaration outlining a 
solution to core issues: borders, status of Jerusalem, refugees, and water 
before Annapolis conference."

            He said meetings with Israelis would resume despite all obstacles 
and complications faced by the Palestinian side.

            During a meeting with Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King 
Abdullah on Friday, Abbas expressed his pessimism over the chances for success 
of the Annapolis conference and his dissatisfaction with Israel over its 
unwillingness to achieve the minimum level of what is acceptable by 
Palestinians, Jamal Al-Shobaki, Palestinian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, said 

            The Israeli official team that returned from the United States on 
Friday said that both Washington and Riyadh were pressing Israel to free far 
more than the 400 Palestinian prisoners that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert 
has announced he plans to release as a goodwill gesture to Abbas ahead of 
Annapolis. There are more than 11,000 Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons. 
According to Israeli security sources, the releases would be depend on a 
cessation of attacks and a commitment by the freed prisoners not to return to 
attacks against Israeli targets



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