Female living Buddha condemns Dalai Lama
April 30, 2008 - 6:16AM

Tibet's only female living Buddha, who is also a top regional official, said 
she was upset and angered by riots in Lhasa last month, and accused the Dalai 
Lama of violating Buddhist teachings, state media reported.

The twelfth Samding Dorje Phagmo said that since Tibet's incorporation into 
Communist China it had been transformed from the backwards feudal society of 
largely illiterate serfs with little medical care that she knew as a child.

"Old Tibet was dark and cruel, the serfs lived worse than horses and cattle," 
she told the official Xinhua agency in an interview published today.

Born in 1942, she was chosen as the incarnation of the deity Vajravarahi aged 
five. Now head of the Samding monastery, she is also vice-chairwoman of the 
standing committee of the Tibetan Autonomous Regional People's Congress, or 
regional parliament.

She was in Beijing for a meeting of a national consultative body to Parliament 
when rioting broke out in Lhasa on March 14, after days of monk-led protests.

"Watching on television a tiny number of unscrupulous people burning and 
smashing shops, schools and public property, brandishing knives and sticks to 
attack unfortunate passers-by I felt boundless surprise, deep heartache and 
indignant resentment," she said in the interview in Lhasa.

China has accused the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, of plotting 
the riots and unrest that spread across many ethnic Tibetan parts of the 
country, in a bid to overshadow the Olympic Games and push for independence.

"The sins of the Dalai Lama and his followers seriously violate the basic 
teachings and precepts of Buddhism and seriously damage traditional Tibetan 
Buddhism's normal order and good reputation," the Samding Dorje Phagmo was 
quoted as saying - though she did not detail what his transgressions were.

The Dalai Lama rejects China's claims, saying he supports the Olympic Games and 
seeks only greater autonomy for Tibet.

Beijing last week offered talks with his aides, after an international chorus 
urging dialogue. But state media continue to unleash a barrage of criticism of 
the Dalai Lama or the Tibet he ruled before the arrival of Communist troops in 


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