A six-week program covering 8 modules in 30 sessions
20 June - 26 July, 2008
The Mercantile Athletic Club, Jakarta
Dalam era persaingan terbuka peranan komunikasi semakin diperlukan. Setiap 
organisasi dituntut untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan publiknya secara lebih 
Jika dikelola dengan baik fungsi komunikasi bermanfaat untuk mempublikasikan 
lembaga, mengantisipasi isu dan krisis, mengatasi konflik internal dan 
eksternal. Lebih jauh lagi, komunikasi organisasi berperan untuk meningkatkan 
citra dan reputasi lembaga yang semakin menjadi perhatian. 
Program Eksekutif PR adalah satu paket pelatihan secara komprehensif dalam 
pemanfaatan peran dan fungsi komunikasi dalam organisasi. Program disusun 
secara terarah dan berkesinambungan sehingga peserta mendapatkan keseluruhan 
pengetahuan, strategi dan solusi untuk menangani permasalahan komunikasi 
organisasi yang semakin luas dan kompleks. 
1. Communication Management in a New Paradigm (4 sessions)    
    • Environmental scanning process: Global Economic Scenario and 
          its impacts upon us 
    • Changing Corporate Culture and Change Management 
    • Corporate Strategy and Public Relations, Marketing
          and Human Resource 
    • Strategic Public Relations Planning, Implementation and 
2. Public Relations Practical and Conceptual Development (4 sessions) 
    • Recent trends in Public Relations practice –
          local and global challenges    
    • Public Relations Management –
          establishing in house PR department      
    • Planning Public Relations program  – from tactics to strategy 
    • Public Relations Measurement, Research and Evaluation 

3. Reputation Management, Public Affairs and CSR (4 sessions)
    • Building Reputation Management through
          Public Affairs & NGOs    
    • Corporate Social Responsibility –
          Concept development and application 
    • Reporting CSR program – financial and non financial indicators 
    • Government Relations, Public Affairs and Lobbying 

4. Employee Relations and Internal Communications (4 sessions)
    • Measuring the effectiveness of Employee communication programs 
    • Synergizing Public Relations and Human Capital Investment 
    • Evaluating Internal communication program
          through survey, FGD, audit 
    • Issue and Crisis Management 

5. Building Network with Media Management (3 sessions)    
    • Understanding and Working with New Media 
    • Creating corporate reputation through e-PR : website and blog 
    • Perspective on the ROI of Media Relations and Publicity efforts 

6. Finance and Budgeting in Public Relations (2 sessions)
    • Positioning Public relations in corporate budgeting 
    • Financial / Investor Relations – how does it work
          and how to evaluate 

7. Public Relations in Action – Case study  (6 sessions)              
    • PR in Crisis management – Marketing – Legal and litigation – 
          International branding – CSR and latest / current issues 
8. Group Presentation – Evaluation (3 sessions)          

• Mid level managers in corporations whose responsibility is to 
      position company vision and mission in various stakeholders.
• Practicing professionals wishing to upgrade knowledge, methods, 
      strategy and skills in new paradigm of communications and
      public relations practice
• Business executives who have a variety of functions in organization
• Experienced individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in 
communications and public relations consultancy 

please contact MUTHE at 021.576.4570-71 
or email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
EGA briefings - Your Partner in Change
+62.21.563.0777 (phone)
+62.21.560.0251 (fax)
+62.815.1967.9090 (mobile)

EGA briefings is the founder and organizer of Public Relations Week Indonesia a 
ten-year Public Relations Campaign since 2005 and a registered member of Clean 
Up the World since 2001.

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