Indonesia: Release Peaceful Demonstrators in Papua
Police Beatings and Arrests at Flag-Raising 
(New York, July 24, 2008) - The Indonesian government should immediately 
release more than a dozen Papuans detained for raising the Papuan "Morning 
Star" flag in Fakfak, a major city in western Papua, Human Rights Watch said 
today. Human Rights Watch called on the Indonesian government to launch an 
investigation into the excessive use of force by the Indonesian police, who 
beat and kicked the activists during the arrests on July 19, 2008.

"Once again, the Indonesian authorities have stopped Papuans from peacefully 
expressing their political views," said Elaine Pearson, deputy Asia director at 
Human Rights Watch. "The police should not resort to violence to suppress 
political activism."  
Police arrested 46 Papuans during a flag-raising ceremony at 4:30 a.m. on July 
19 outside a government archive office, locally known as the "Act of Free 
Choice" building. The protesters organized the flag-raising ceremony very early 
in the morning, apparently to avoid police detection. Those arrested included 
two ex-political prisoners and two women. Eleven others were arrested on their 
way to the ceremony. Police have released 37 of the group, but arrested five 
more activists on July 23.  
According to local human rights workers, during the arrests the police beat and 
kicked almost all of the men. They also allege that the police subjected the 
Papuans to humiliating treatment by forcing the men to strip to their underwear 
on the street before taking them by truck to the Fakfak police station. An 
eyewitness at the police station said detainees had bruises on their faces and 
bodies. Two detainees showed bleeding inside their right eyes.  
Abubakar Nataprawira, a national police spokesman, denied the beating but said 
the police will look into allegations regarding the eye injuries. He also 
denied that those arrested were forced to strip.  
Police charged six of the 46 with subversion for threatening the state by 
raising a "separatist" flag. Those charged are Simon Tuturop, Tadeus Weripang, 
Viktor Tuturop, Tomas Nimbitkendik, Benedidiktus Tuturop, and Teles Piahar. 
Subversion under Indonesia's criminal code carries a maximum penalty of life 
imprisonment. The criminal code is a legacy of the Netherlands Indies' criminal 
code passed by the Dutch parliament in 1918 and adopted as Indonesian law in 
the 1950s after independence.  
"Charging people with subversion, a crime punishable by life imprisonment in 
Indonesia, is an outrageous response to the peaceful political act of raising a 
flag," said Pearson. "The unlawful acts at the scene were by police beating up 
Human Rights Watch also urged the authorities to drop charges of arms 
possession against three of the detainees, Walter Warpopor, 60, Daniel 
Nimbitkendik,19, and Simon Hindom, 50. Though the three had a knife, a bow and 
arrow, and a bush machete in their possession, it is common for villagers in 
Papua to carry such items. There is no evidence that they planned to use those 
weapons for violence.  
Repression against political activists in Papua and the Maluku Islands has 
increased since President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono took power in 2004. In a 
visit to Ambon, the capital of the Maluku Islands, on June 29, 2007, Yudhoyono 
ordered security forces to arrest a group of 24 dancers who had unfurled the 
South Maluku Republic flag. Of those arrested, Johan Teterisa is serving a life 
sentence for subversion, and 19 others are serving sentences of between 10 and 
20 years.  
In March 2008, police arrested and jailed nine Papua activists for displaying 
the Papuan Morning Star flag. Their trial, on charges of subversion, is ongoing 
and the nine remain in detention.  
Human Rights Watch called on the Indonesian government to immediately release 
all persons imprisoned for exercising their rights to free expression, free 
association or peaceful assembly in Papua and the Maluku Islands and drop all 
charges against the Fakfak protesters.  
For many years, Human Rights Watch has called for the amendment of the 
Indonesian criminal code to repeal provisions that violate basic freedoms of 
expression, assembly and association.  
In July 2007, Human Rights Watch welcomed the ruling of the Indonesian 
Constitutional Court declaring unconstitutional certain provisions in 
prohibiting free expression in Indonesia's criminal code . Despite the ruling, 
several Indonesian laws continue to restrict freedom of expression in violation 
of international law, including article 6 of Government Regulation 77/2007, 
which prohibits the display of the Morning Star flag in Papua, the South Maluku 
Republic flag in Ambon and the Crescent Moon flag in Aceh.  
"Indonesian governments continue to use outdated laws restricting free 
expression to suppress peaceful dissent in far-flung provinces," said Pearson. 
"The government should rewrite these laws, not use them against peaceful 
The internationally protected rights to freedom of expression and peaceful 
assembly are codified in the International Covenant on Civil and Political 
Rights, which Indonesia ratified in 2006. 

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