To believe or not? God knows 

Khushwant Singh 
January 23, 2009
First Published: 22:40 IST(23/1/2009)
Last Updated: 23:14 IST(23/1/2009)
Our ancestors made a list of five deadly sins: kaam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh 
(greed), moh (attachment) and ahankaar (pride). Of these, four take a deadly 
toll on the one who indulges in them and marginally on their family and 
friends. However, greed (lobh) not only diminishes the greedy in the eyes of 
his fellow-beings, but also deprives thousands of others of their hard-earned 
livings. Greed is the deadliest of the five sins. 

These thoughts crossed my mind when I read news of the Satyam scandal in Andhra 
Pradesh, Shibu Soren's downfall in Jharkhand, Mayawati's birthday bashes in 
Uttar Pradesh and the charges of corruption levelled against Vasundhara Raje 
when she was chief minister of Rajasthan. I have little doubt similar cases of 
greed leading to corrupt practices exist in all the states of our god-forsaken 

What makes a person who has over hundreds of crores worth of assets - eats the 
tastiest of food, drinks the headiest of wines, lives in a large mansion with a 
retinue of servants, has a fleet of limousines and gets everything he wants - 
want more land, real estate and more money in different banks? He should know 
he can't take it with him when he dies. Perhaps he wants to provide for his 
sons and daughters, grand-children down many generations. He should know 
inherited wealth is unearned wealth and is soon frittered away in contentious 
litigation. He would die a happier man if he spent what he cannot use in 
building schools, colleges or hospitals for the poor. 

I am not sure what penalties will be imposed on these people if found guilty. 
Our judiciary has limited options: imprisonment for a limited period or a heavy 
fine. It has no corrective measures. Perhaps the guilty should also be given 
psychiatric treatment and asked in detail why they did what they did without 
there being any plausible reasons for doing it; or they should be made to sit 
in a dark room, shut their eyes and in their own minds, go over their doings. 
If they themselves come to believe they have done wrong, their minds would be 
cleansed and this would enable them to become better citizens. 

O bligh me in Blighty

It is estimated that around 40 per cent of the population of England question 
the existence of god and do not go to any church. The figure of doubters in the 
younger generation is much higher, around 60 per cent. From the little I know 
of Europe, I would hazard a guess that the situation is the same in the 
Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands. The rest of Europe is largely Roman 
Catholic or Greek Orthodox. Amongst them doubters do not come out openly, but 
it can be presumed that attendance at churches is significantly lower than it 
was 20 years ago. 

Now the doubters in England have come out in the open. On four of London's bus 
routes, buses carry huge sign-boards reading, "There's probably no God. Now 
stop worrying and enjoy your life." Doubters appealed for funds to step up 
their publicity. They expected to get around £5,500. They received more than 
£140,000. They plan to put up hoardings on underground stations, public places 
and all bus routes. 

My estimate of doubters in India is around 2 per cent of the population. I 
belong to this miniscule minority. I am not an atheist but an agnostic. I 
accept the possibility of god's existence but since there is no proof of there 
being one who creates, preserves and destroys life, and is at the same time 
almighty, just and merciful, I keep an open mind. 

Belief in god and religion is a kind of passion which generates both noble 
works and evil deeds. It has produced great literature, music, art, 
architecture and sculpture. It has also produced intolerance, civil strife, 
wars, cruelty and persecution. On the one hand it provides a crutch for those 
who are stricken with sadness, disease and adversity - solace denied to 
atheists and agnostics; on the other it creates delusions of hope and 
betterment for which there is no basis. Men of faith believe in miracles, which 
those without faith do not accept. However, you can have a good time and enjoy 
life whether or not you believe in god. I enjoy the good things of life - tasty 
food, single malt Scotch, vintage wines and the company of the fairest of the 

At the wrong end 

Two elderly ladies met every Saturday morning in a café to chat and have 
coffee. One of them was hard of hearing, used a hearing aid and suffered from 
constipation, requiring glycerine suppositories to clear her bowels. One 
morning she turned up with a suppository in her ear. She could hardly hear what 
her friend was saying. The friend shouted: "Mary, you have a suppository in 
your ear."

Mary took it out and replied:  "Now I know where I put my hearing aid."

(Contributed by Amit Tuteja, Washington D. C.)

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