Merkel attacks Pope for Holocaust-denier's pardon

Pontiff's decision to rehabilitate controversial bishop provokes outraged 
reaction in Germany

By Tony Paterson in Berlin 

Wednesday, 4 February 2009



Pope Benedict XVI, who has been accused of bringing disgrace upon the Catholic 
Church by Der Spiegel magazine

  a..  enlarge 

Germany's four-year love affair with its own Bavarian-born Pope was in tatters 
yesterday after Chancellor Angela Merkel accused the pontiff of giving the 
impression that Holocaust denial was "permissible" through his decision to 
pardon the British-born bishop, Richard Williamson.

Ms Merkel's extraordinary decision to wade in to a worsening row between the 
Vatican and Jewish and Catholic leaders worldwide came just over a week after 
the Pope formally rehabilitated Bishop Williamson, who said in a recent 
interview: "Not a single Jew died in a gas chamber."

The German conservative leader said it was not her custom to intervene in 
church affairs, but added: "This is different when it comes to matters of 
principle, and I believe it is a matter of principle when... the impression is 
created that denying the Holocaust could be permissible."

Related articles
  a.. Paul Vallely: Benedict has shut his mind to the real world 
Ms Merkel demanded that the Pope make it "absolutely clear" that there could be 
no Holocaust denial and that there "must be positive dealings with the Jews". 
In what amounted to a blistering condemnation of the Pope's handling of the 
crisis, she added: "In my view, these issues have not yet been satisfactorily 

The Vatican hit back just hours later, with spokesman Federico Lombardi 
declaring that the German Pope's position on the Holocaust and Holocaust denial 
"could not be any clearer".

There was speculation yesterday that Ms Merkel's decision to publicly criticise 
Benedict XVI had followed a sea change in the German Catholic Church 
leadership's attitude to him. Her onslaught came only hours after Cardinal Karl 
Lehmann of Mainz called the decision to rehabilitate Bishop Williamson a 

Bishop Williamson, a 68-year-old Cambridge graduate, made the comments on 
Swedish television a fortnight ago. He was pardoned as part of a move by the 
Pope in late January to overturn the excommunication of four bishops ordained 
by the arch-conservative Society of Saint Pius X. The decision has been 
interpreted as a clear demonstration of the shift to the right that was already 
under way in the Vatican. But in Germany the response to the Pope's actions 
been a mixture of dismay, anger and disappointment. 

In marked contrast to jubilant German newspaper headlines of April 2005 which 
greeted the new Bavarian-born pontiff and reluctant member of the Hitler Youth 
with the words: "We are the Pope" - this week's front cover of Der Spiegel 
magazine carried a photograph of Benedict XVI and the headline: "A German Pope 
disgraces the Catholic Church."

Last week, Israel's Chief Rabbinate suspended ties because of Bishop 
Williamson's reinstatement. "Without a public apology and recanting it will be 
difficult to continue the dialogue," the Chief Rabbinate director-general Oded 
Weiner said. Germany's Central Council of Jews announced last week that it, 
too, was cutting ties. Salomon Korn, the council's vice-president, accused 
Benedict XVI of undoing all the efforts to reconcile Jews and Catholics that 
had been started by his predecessor Pope John Paul II. "A German Pope of all 
people - and this is how the world will see it - has pardoned a Holocaust 
denier, and that just before Holocaust Memorial Day," Mr Korn said. "I thought 
I was dealing with a considerate and far-sighted man. Obviously I was wrong."

A new wave of embarrassment swept Germany and Austria earlier this week 
following the Vatican's decision to promote a priest who claimed that the Harry 
Potter books "spread Satanism" and that Hurricane Katrina was an act of "divine 

Der Spiegel yesterday quoted Vatican insiders who suggested that the Pope was 
surrounded by lackeys who shielded him from the media. Hans Küng, a well-known 
Catholic theologian, said: "Benedict XVI is so cut off from the real world that 
he has no idea how disastrously his actions are received."

The unacceptable faces of Catholicism

Richard Williamson

British bishop consecrated by schismatic French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Has 
said the Vatican is controlled by Satan and once declared the historical 
evidence was "hugely against six million having been deliberately gassed in gas 
chambers... I believe there were no gas chambers."

Floriano Abrahamowicz

Regarded as unofficial chaplain of Italy's separatist Northern League. He told 
an Italian newspaper: "I know the gas chambers existed... but I don't know if 
anyone was killed in them. I know that, in addition to the official version, 
there is another version based on the observations of the first Allied 
technicians to enter."

Gerhard Maria Wagner

Appointed auxiliary bishop in the Austrian city of Linz last week. In 2005 he 
suggested that disasters such as Hurricane Katrina were the result of 
"spiritual environmental pollution". "It is surely not an accident," he added, 
"that all five of New Orleans's abortion clinics... were destroyed."


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