Israeli Arabs are voting less

Feb. 4, 2009
There is evidence of a gradual decline in the participation rate of the Arab 
public in elections in recent years. Between 1996 and 2006, there was a 21 
percent drop in election participation, from 77% to 56%, the lowest 
participation rate ever recorded for Arab voters in Knesset elections. 

There are many different reasons for this retreat from the voting booths: 
disappointment with the achievements of Arab MKs; mistrust of the parliamentary 
political process or its effectiveness; ideological, religious or Islamist ban 
on participation; protest against the government establishment; a stronger 
orientation toward NGOs as an alternative to parliamentary politics. 

The succession of events in the past three years, since elections were last 
held, portends a continued rise in abstention from voting. From the perspective 
of internal Arab politics, the first critical event, and especially notable, 
was the publication of four "Future Vision" documents in late 2006 and early 
2007. These documents, which were the first attempt of their kind to formulate 
a coherent ideological conceptualization of the status of the Arab minority, 
proposed an ideological-political alternative to the current system. While the 
Future Vision documents contain no explicit ban on Knesset elections, their 
call to establish a consensual democracy (a binational state) certainly does 
little to encourage Arabs to cast their ballot in this year's elections. 

In terms of external influences, the Second Lebanon War of 2006 and Operation 
Cast Lead of early 2009 sharply accentuated the issue of the national identity 
of Arabs in Israel. The incompatibility between the Israeli-civic element of 
their identity and the national-Arab-Palestinian element intensified, resulting 
in a reinforced sense of national Arab belonging. In addition, the war in Gaza 
caused deep wounds that are not expected to heal quickly: The Arabs accused 
Israel of committing "war crimes" and "genocide" in Gaza. This adversarial 
position further discourages Arabs from performing their civic duty of 
participating in the upcoming democratic election process. 

Finally, there has been no significant improvement in the relations between the 
Arab community and the establishment since the previous elections. True, Prime 
Minister Ehud Olmert has recognized the continued discrimination of the Arab 
population on several public occasions in the last year, and has frequently 
spoken of the need for a change. Still, there is a difference between words and 
actions. In practice, little has changed. 

THE COMBINED EFFECT of these developments is the growing polarization in 
Jewish-Arab relations. In recent years, mutual alienation and distrust have 
grown substantially. The eruption of violence in Acre in early October of last 
year is the latest indication of the fragility of these relations, and of their 

The radical Jewish right-wing grows stronger as Avigdor Lieberman's anti-Arab 
propaganda gathers steam. Balad and United Arab List-Ta'al were temporarily 
disqualified by the Central Election Committee. Together with the aggressive 
and emotional response of Arab MKs to the war in Gaza and to government policy, 
these developments promise to feed the vicious cycle in which Arab-Jewish 
relations are trapped: As the ouroboros of Greek symbolism, the head swallows 
the tail in desperate symbiosis. 

The Arab parties, whose future is paradoxically contingent on voters' 
participation in Knesset elections, are investing supreme efforts to ensure 
that their voters cast a ballot. Their zeal is understandable: Once again, the 
Arab parties failed to form a united Arab bloc that might have won enough votes 
to meet minimum representation requirements with relative ease, and to 
establish a substantial Arab presence in the Knesset. As a result, the parties 
and lists are now fighting individually for their political future, by 
demonstrating their loyalty to the Palestinian-Arab cause (or 
"national-Islamist" cause in the case of UAL-Ta'al), forcefully rejecting the 
Zionist worldview, harshly criticizing government policy and conducting a 
campaign aimed to punish the Zionist parties competing for the Arab vote. 

In view of the current situation, there is little chance that their attempt 
will succeed, although the Arab parties may manage to transform the upcoming 
elections into a mass protest of the Arab public. If, as surveys predict, the 
participation rate of Arabs in the elections does indeed continue to drop, 
representation of Arabs in the Knesset will also shrink, and the public debate 
on alternatives to parliamentary politics can be expected to focus intensely on 
three potential levels: developing the concept of an all-Arab parliament, 
reinforcing civil society organizations and increasing support for the Islamist 
stream that advocates the establishment of independent institutions. 

The author is director of the Adenauer Program at Tel Aviv University and is 
currently the Crown Visiting Chair in Middle East Studies at Northwestern 

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