
Only Half of Indonesian Lecturers Have Undergraduate Degrees
Thursday, 26 February, 2009 | 12:25 WIB 

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:Out of the entire 155.000 lecturers in Indonesia, 
half of them only have undergraduate degrees. According to higher education 
director-general Fasli Jalal, as much as 65 percent of lecturers having the 
undergraduate degree work at public universities. Meanwhile, only 35 percent of 
them teach at state universities.

Around 75 from 155.000 lecturers are civil servants. About 65.000 of them teach 
at state universities while 10.000 are sent to help teach at public 
universities. The Education Department is providing 5.500 post-graduate 
scholarships. The government has targeted that by the next five years, all 
lecturers will have the post-graduate degree and one out of four lecturers will 
have a doctorate degree.

Reh Atemalem Susanti 

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