Free Papua founder welcomed with warmth, protest in homeland
Nethy Dharma Somba ,  The Jakarta Post ,  Jayapura   |  Sun, 03/22/2009 9:08 PM 
 |  National 

Co-founder of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) Nicholas Jouwe returned to his 
homeland in Papua on Sunday after more than 40 years in exile. 

Upon arrival at Sentani Airport in Jayapura, Nicholas received warm welcome 
from dozens of extended family members. Among those welcoming him were Papua 
Governor Barnabas Suebu, Papuan-born Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister 
Freddy Numbery, and Papua Police Head Brig. Gen. F.X. Bagus Ekodanto.

Outside the airport gate, however, dozens of pro-independence Papua students 
staged a rally, stretching out banners read, "Welcome, Immediately End 
Oppression" and "You Started It, You (Who) Should End It, Welcome". 

Protest coordinator Viktor Yeimo told reporters Nicholas's homecoming should 
end oppression against Papuans. Nicholas gave no response to the protest.

"Pak Nick Jouwe's homecoming should not be politicized, and there should be no 
certain interest behind his coming back home," Viktor said.

After engaged in a peace talk with Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare 
Aburizal Bakrie on Friday, Nicholas is scheduled to conduct talks with local 
Papuan leaders in the country's most eastern province.

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