May 6, 2009 20:06 | Updated May 7, 2009 0:36 

Peres: We won't apologize for Gaza op

Article's topics: Shimon Peres,  Ban Ki-moon,  Barack Obama,  Operation Cast 
Lead,  Gaza War  

Israel will not apologize for Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip, President 
Shimon Peres said Wednesday, acknowledging, however, that the IDF made some 
mistakes during the conflict. 

Peres: Israel prepared to negotiate peace with Syria and Palestinians 

Nonetheless, Peres said he thinks chances for Mideast peace "were improved" 
following his meeting in Washington on Tuesday with US President Barack Obama. 

The UN inquiry focused on nine attacks on UN schools, a health clinic and the 
world body's Gaza headquarters and found that Israeli weapons were responsible 
for seven of them. It accused Israel of gross negligence and recklessness and 
said the UN should demand compensation for property damage and for those who 
were killed and injured, and an acknowledgment from Israel that statements it 
made about several attacks were untrue. 

"We think it's outrageous. We shall never accept it. We don't think that we 
have to apologize because we have the right to defend the lives of our children 
and women," Peres told reporters after meeting UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon 
to convey Israel's anger about the board of inquiry's findings. 

  a.. Israel blasts UN report on Cast Lead 
"We don't accept one word of what the board writes," Peres said. "They were 
unfair. They were one-sided." 

But the president said Israel is considering compensation and the government 
has appointed a group to study how to handle it. 

"I think the results will come very soon," said Peres. 

Peres claimed the UN inquiry went beyond its mandate of investigating the 
attacks on UN property and focused instead on "the whole situation in Gaza." 
Israel would not have participated if it had known the scope, he said. 

"We're outraged because they didn't mention Hamas," the president said. "If 
Hamas didn't shoot, there wouldn't be a single problem." 

Peres said the IDF didn't overstep in its use of white phosphorous, an 
incendiary substance whose use was criticized by the inquiry. He added that 
Israel never targeted civilians and made 250,000 phone calls to warn people he 
said were being used as "human shields" to leave their houses before Israeli 

Security Council diplomats said the UN report would be discussed by members 
during closed consultations on Thursday, when Libya was expected to circulate a 
draft resolution on its findings. 

Peres' visit to the UN came ahead of Monday's ministerial meeting of the 
Security Council aimed at giving new impetus to the Middle East peace process. 

Peres was upbeat about his meeting with Obama. 

"I was very much encouraged by president Obama, by his attitude," he said. "I 
think the chances for peace were improved." 


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