14 - 20 May 2009
Issue No. 947

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875

Benedict's benediction

BETHLEHEM, the birthplace of Jesus, was of course the highlight of Pope 
Benedict XVI's visit to the Holy Land. He told Palestinians there on Wednesday 
that he understood their suffering and upheld the concept of an independent 
Palestinian state. "The Holy See supports the right of your people to a 
sovereign Palestinian homeland in the land of your forefathers, secure and at 
peace with its neighbours, within internationally recognised borders," the 
pontiff told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

He also delivered a special message of solidarity to the 1.5 million 
Palestinians besieged in Gaza even though he did not include Gaza in his 
itinerary. "In a special way, my heart goes out to the pilgrims from war-torn 
Gaza," the pope told thousands of Palestinians who packed an open-air mass in 
Manger Square. "Please be assured of my solidarity with you in the immense work 
of rebuilding which now lies ahead, and my prayers that the embargo will soon 
be lifted," he adde


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