May 25, 2009
At U.N., a Sandinista's Plan for Recovery 

UNITED NATIONS - The route out of the financial crisis - at least in the view 
of Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, a ranking Sandinista and the fractious president 
of the United Nations General Assembly - should be lined with all manner of new 
global institutions, authorities and advisory boards. 

How many? Nine, to be exact and they are (take a deep breath) the Global 
Stimulus Fund, the Global Public Goods Authority, the Global Tax Authority, the 
Global Financial Products Safety Commission, the Global Financial Regulatory 
Authority, the Global Competition Authority, the Global Council of Financial 
and Economic Advisers, the Global Economic Coordination Council, and the World 
Monetary Board. 

Their formation was included in the agenda Mr. d'Escoto unveiled this month for 
a pending United Nations summit meeting on the economic crisis. But member 
countries were having a hard time reshaping his proposals into something 
workable. By the start of the weekend, the extended haggling had been reduced 
to whether the summit meeting, originally scheduled for next Monday through 
Wednesday, should be postponed until the end of June because no compromise 
agenda was in sight. 

The problem boils down to competing visions of what role the United Nations 
should play in the global financial crisis. 

Everyone basically agreed that the United Nations should serve as the voice of 
the poorest nations, and that its many tentacles provided an excellent source 
for collecting data on the impact of the meltdown. While most General Assembly 
members seek attention from existing global institutions for their economic 
distress, however, they are not agitating for a reversal of the institutions' 
market-economy bent. 

To Mr. d'Escoto, a priest and former Nicaraguan foreign minister, the world 
financial crisis demonstrates the need for something closer to a revolution, 
both to mend the deep wounds opened by capitalist excess and to prevent future 

He wants the General Assembly to be anointed the leader in reformulating the 
world's economic institutions. (The draft document suggested an open-ended 
process, steered by Mr. d'Escoto.) 

"If the new financial system and architecture is going to be put together, and 
these rules of the game are going to affect everyone, as the crisis has 
affected everyone, the proposed solution and new rules of the game should be 
legitimate for everyone," said Paul Oquist, Mr. d'Escoto's senior adviser for 
the conference, and a Nicaraguan official. "It is the General Assembly that 
offers that in a universal vein." 

Sitting beneath portraits of Fidel Castro of Cuba, President Hugo Chávez of 
Venezuela and President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua, among others, Mr. Oquist 
also said that the meltdown of 2008 proved that no state or states had a 
monopoly on financial wisdom. That statement, at least, attracts a consensus 

But Mr. d'Escoto's critics, and they are legion, accuse him of trying to 
Sandanista-ize the world or having serious delusions of grandeur. They say that 
proposals like levying an international tax on all financial transactions or 
replacing the dollar as the international reserve currency are well beyond the 
role of the United Nations. 

A compromise document that eliminated many of the most radical changes is now 
under consideration, with few of the proposed global institutions surviving. 

The diplomatic standoff started with a breach of etiquette: traditionally, 
before any conference, the General Assembly president appoints a couple of 
ambassadors as "facilitators" who consult widely and then propose a working 

But this time, the plan, envisioning the United Nations in a supporting role, 
proved insufficiently sweeping for Mr. d'Escoto, so he tossed aside the entire 
draft and supplanted it with one of his own. To lend it an aura of 
respectability, his aides point out repeatedly that the president got many of 
his ideas from a distinguished panel of experts led by an American economist 
and Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz. 

Star-studded panels of experts clog the corridors around here, so nobody faults 
Mr. d'Escoto for that defense. But many ambassadors noted dryly that member 
countries were usually given the chance to discuss such recommendations before 
their insertion into official documents. 

United Nations members had expected the conference to provide a role for 
not-so-rich nations in proposing solutions to the crisis, but several 
ambassadors said they had searched in vain for that amid the starring role for 
Mr. d'Escoto and his team. "The idea is to involve everyone in dealing with the 
problem," said Maged A. Abdelaziz, the Egyptian ambassador. "Too much is being 
asked of the Secretariat, and nothing from the member states."

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