
development: The price of micro-finance -Syed Mohammad Ali

 The high intermediation costs for a typical microfinance provider seem 
justifiable. Microfinance providers can however use other existing 
infrastructures or technologies to significantly lessen these operational costs

Since the creation of the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, the use of micro-finance 
to alleviate poverty has gained recognition and support around the developing 
world, including South Asia. Besides providing credit, institutions have been 
developed to provide a range of other services for the poor, such as savings, 
home loans and even insurance.

However, the fact that micro-finance institutions end up charging much higher 
interest rates than commercial banks has led to much criticism concerning their 
alleged rent-seeking tendencies. To be fair, however, the role and compulsions 
of micro-finance merit a closer look, including their need to charge high 
interest rates, before concurring with such an unflattering conclusion.

Before focusing specifically on the issue of interest rates, however, let us 
contextualise the micro-finance industry in Pakistan. The financial sector in 
Pakistan as a whole has overall grown steadily in the recent past. Yet the 
sector's outreach has largely been focused on a niche market in mostly urban 
areas, where it caters to the medium-high income group and the corporate 
sector. There has been lesser emphasis on increasing access of financial 
services to poorer people since reaching out to them is conventionally 
considered risky and not very cost-effective. Several micro-finance 
institutions have however now begun to specifically target the abundance of 
economically active poor people within the country.

The premise for this ongoing effort is that poorer people do already avail 
financial services, but from informal sources, including middlemen, feudals, 
shopkeepers or the committee system of pooling money by making monthly 
contributions among an informal group.

The terms and conditions of the more professional of these informal credit 
suppliers can be quite stringent. For example, moneylenders can charge interest 
rates of over 100 percent. The worst form of exploitation occurs when borrowers 
are subjected to the generational cycle of bonded labour due to debts owed to 
powerful landlord.

Yet, microfinance cannot always target the poorest people who fall prey to 
these most exploitative forms of informal lending. This is because microfinance 
lenders require their clients to form groups to qualify for lending, whereby 
peer pressure can be exerted to ensure repayment instead of conventional forms 
of collateral.

Moreover, people need to demonstrate their ability to use the provided loan to 
a productive purpose whereby guaranteeing return of the loan, as well as the 
interest being charged on it. Poorer people often have problems on both fronts. 
Moreover, micro-finance field officers often end up offering loans to those who 
have the demonstrated ability to return their money, even if they do not 
necessarily use the credit provided to them for productive purposes.

The extent to which lowering interest rates could make these loans more 
affordable for poorer people that are readily willing to use them for 
productive purposes would be an interesting question to examine in more detail. 
But the proponents of microfinance have instead begun to argue that this debate 
about affordability of their loans is not really meaningful.

In the case of Pakistan, microfinance institutions argue their clients make 
profits ranging between 150 percent for a grocery store in the rural areas to 
100 percent for a service industry like barbers, shoe cleaner etc. Paying 
interest rates of 30 percent or more is thus not considered a problem.

Instead, the biggest challenge for micro-finance is said to be increasing 
access of its financial services, not the affordability of these services. 
Charging high interest rates is one evident way to enable microfinance 
providers to not only sustain but also to extend their outreach beyond the 
million and a half clients which are being presently served by the microfinance 
sector in Pakistan.

A conclusion concerning this issue of interest rates would still be hasty 
without discussing the reasons why delivery costs in microfinance are 
relatively higher than those charged to commercial bank clients. Compared with 
commercial or corporate banks, where cost of borrowing is the main component, 
in the microfinance industry it is the cost of operations that are really high. 
Instead of having corporate clients with huge lending portfolios, the business 
model for both credit and deposit products for microfinance requires providing 
these services at the client's doorstep. Thus, a microfinance institution 
justifiably wants its cost and pricing rates to be compared with peer 
micro-lending entities, instead of commercial banks.

The Pakistan Microfinance Network has in turn reviewed this pricing issue 
through an international comparative study. This analysis indicates that 
interest rates for microfinance in other developing countries are upward of 30 
percent, except in South Asia. South Asian interest rates are seen largely to 
be skewed by two countries - India and Bangladesh - both of whom have outreach 
of millions of clients each, which has enabled them to achieve economies of 
scale in terms of their cost structures.

In view of the above arguments, the high intermediation costs for a typical 
microfinance provider seem justifiable. Microfinance providers can however use 
other existing infrastructures or technologies to significantly lessen these 
operational costs. For instance, mobile phones can be used to facilitate 
financial transactions. Some microfinance institutions have begun linking up 
with the postal service to lessen their costs. However, the money being saved 
by these institutions need not necessarily be used to expand their operations, 
but can also be used to lessen interest rates.

Several entities are actively trying to facilitate and support micro-finance in 
the country. It would be worthwhile for them to assess the extent to which 
lowering interest rates may enable microfinance providers to reach out to more 
poor people within the same communities, instead of spreading their outreach to 
relatively better off segments of poor localities in other areas.

The writer is a researcher. He can be contacted at


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