Regional News
Youth may be challenge for Ahmadinejad in poll
Published Date: June 09, 2009 

TEHRAN: The young Iranians cruising noisily around upscale northern Tehran in 
cars plastered with election posters have only one thing on their minds: 
denying President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term. Millions of reform-minded 
Iranians stayed away from the polls in 2005, disillusioned by how hardliners 
had stymied former President Mohammad Khatami's liberal initiatives. 
Ahmadinejad's political fate may well hang on how many of those jaded voters 
turn out on June 12 -- if only to thwart him.

I will vote, but only because I want to see anyone but Ahmadinejad win. He has 
ruined the country," said Mina Sedaqati, a 25-year-old sociology student at 
Tehran University, over coffee and doughnuts with friends in northern Tehran. 
More than two-thirds of Iran's 70 million people are aged under 30, making them 
too young to remember life before the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the 
US-backed Shah.

All four presidential candidates are wooing youthful voters in speeches and 
campaign messages and have used popular networking and content-sharing sites 
such as Facebook to target young people. More than 150,000 Iranians are 
Facebook members, and young voters make up a huge bloc which helped Khatami win 
elections in 1997 and 2001. Access to Facebook was blocked for a few days last 
month, suggesting government concern at its influence.

But analysts say the anti-Ahmadinejad vote is likely to be split between the 
radical president's two moderate rivals, ex-Prime Minister Mirhossein Mousavi 
and former parliament speaker Mehdi Karoubi. Karoubi, the only cleric in the 
race, has even met one of Iran's best-known underground rap singers, Sasy 

Mousavi and Karoubi's posters adorn the cars of the middle-class youngsters 
eager to stop Ahmadinejad out of fear he will lead Iran on a collision course 
with the West and further erode social freedom. Ahmadinejad also faces a 
conservative challenger in Mohsen Rezai, a former Revolutionary Guard chief, 
but the president has his own support base among young people who admire his 
defiant nuclear rhetoric, simple lifestyle and devotion to Islam, as well as 
his pledges of social justice.

I will vote for Ahmadinejad because his policies in the past four years have 
been a return to the fundamental values of the Islamic revolution," said 
Mohammad Reza Baqeri, 24, a member of the Basij, a religious militia group, who 
criticised previous governments for neglecting the poor. "Ahmadinejad is a 
hero. He stood against those who were Iran's enemies for years, but in return 
he befriended other nations," said the religious studies graduate, referring to 
ties the president has forged with US adversaries such as Venezuela and Bolivia.

An Iranian political analyst, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of 
the sensitivity of Iranian politics, described the election as a referendum on 
Ahmadinejad. "Some people, especially among the young, are for him and some are 
only voting to prevent his re-election," he said.

Ahmadinejad swept to power in 2005, promising to share oil wealth among 
ordinary Iranians, and has frequently toured the provinces distributing loans 
and development projects. Reformists and even some conservatives say the 
president has failed to keep his promises, blaming him for rising unemployment 
and high inflation, which is hovering around 18 percent.

But Iran's most powerful figure, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has 
repeatedly praised Ahmadinejad's government and urged people to vote for an 
anti-Western candidate. That seeming endorsement could rally conservatives 
behind Ahmadinejad-but could also backfire if protest voters seize the chance 
to defy Iran's clerical establishment. Ahmadinejad's four-year term has seen a 
crackdown on reformist student activists and renewed efforts by the feared 
"morality police" to enforce what they deem Islamic behaviour.

How can I feel safe when the president of a country allows the arrest of women 
for what they wear?" Sedeqati asked, wearing a red loose headscarf. The 
political analyst said Ahmadinejad had alienated large sections of the 
electorate. "The imposed restrictions have mobilised youth and women against 
him. They are afraid that his re-election will pressure them more." No one 
knows if such sentiments will be enough to overcome the political apathy shown 
by these groups since the eight-year Khatami era ended with little to show for 
his reformist drive.

All hopes, such as social and political reforms, created under Khatami are 
shattered," Sedaqati said. Khatami had planned to run again, but then withdrew 
in favour of Mousavi. He won landslide presidential votes in 1997 and 2001, and 
pushed for detente with the West and for a freer Iran. But hardliners who had 
kept hold of security agencies and other levers of power blocked many of his 
reform attempts. In the late 1990s students formed a bastion of support for 
Khatami, but many lost heart when reforms failed to materialize. "Iranian youth 
have lost their spirit and livelihood since 2005," said Sedaqati. - Reuters

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