Wednesday 10 June 2009 (16 Jumada al-Thani 1430)

      Rafsanjani slams Ahmadinejad 'fabrications'
      TEHRAN: One of Iran's most senior politicians accused President Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad yesterday of lying in a televised presidential election debate and 
called on the country's supreme leader to take action.

      In an unprecedented public attack, former President Akbar Hashemi 
Rafsanjani said tens of millions of Iranians had witnessed "mis-statements and 
fabrications" in the debate last week, when Ahmadinejad accused Rafsanjani of 

      Ahmadinejad also said in the debate Rafsanjani was part of a political 
alliance supporting the main challenger, Mir Hossein Mousavi, and seeking to 
prevent his re-election on Friday.

      "I am expecting you to resolve this position in order to extinguish the 
fire, whose smoke can be seen in the atmosphere, and to foil dangerous plots to 
take action," Rafsanjani said in a letter to supreme leader Ali Khamenei, 
published by the Mehr news agency.

      The election campaign has already been marked by fierce public debate 
between Ahmadinejad and his moderate rivals, but Rafsanjani's intervention is 
likely to raise tensions further. "Even if I continue to tolerate this 
situation, there is no doubt that some people, parties and factions will not 
tolerate this situation," Rafsanjani said.

      Meanwhile, a renowned women's rights activist could become the first-ever 
female Cabinet minister in Islamic Iran, it was announced yesterday. Jamileh 
Kadivar, a university professor and former Parliament deputy, is favored to 
become minister if Karroubi wins the election.

      "Mrs. Kadivar is one of the most qualified officials of the country and 
could take care of either the Culture or Higher Education Ministry," Karroubi 
told reporters in Tehran. The only high-ranking female officials in Iran have 
so far been Massoumeh Ebtkear and Fatemeh Javadi.

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