Jun 11, 2009 

Neo-liberalism a dirty Indonesian word
By Megawati Wijaya 

JAKARTA - Indonesia's presidential election campaign has swung towards economic 
policy debate, with challengers to incumbent and frontrunner Susilo Bambang 
Yudhoyono raising questions about his government's commitment to neo-liberal 
capitalism and offering voters an alternative "people-based economics", known 
locally as ekonomi kerakyatan. 

Hopefuls for the first round of voting on July 8, Jusuf Kalla, the incumbent 
vice president, and Megawati Sukarnoputri, a former premier, have both taken 
critical aim at Yudhoyono's neo-liberal credentials, claiming his pro-market 
policies have cow-towed to Western business interests at the expense of 
grassroots Indonesians. Should either manage an electoral upset, Indonesia 
could see a surge in economic nationalism under their leadership. 

Kalla's and Megawati's criticism has been mainly motivated by Yudhoyono's 
surprise decision in mid-May to tap Bank Indonesia governor Boediono, who is 
not affiliated with any political party, as his vice presidential running mate. 
A respected technocrat, the Wharton business school-trained Boediono has earned 
kudos for his handling of the Indonesian economy, both as Yudhoyono's 
coordinating minister for the economy and as central bank governor, a post he 
took up in May last year. 

As a minister, he oversaw reforms to Indonesia's outdated 1967 Foreign 
Investment Law that have facilitated greater foreign participation in the 
economy. The new law, passed in 2007, simplified the former 150-day investment 
permit process to a one-stop, 30-day registration process, gave stronger and 
longer property rights to investors, expanded tax incentives, provided greater 
guarantees against investment expropriation, and allowed for the free 
repatriation of expatriate capital. 

As central bank governor, his monetary easing, including six interest rates 
cuts since December, has helped to cushion the impact of the global economic 
meltdown and promoted more spending at home. While Southeast Asia's more 
export-geared economies tumble towards recession and negative growth, 
Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 4.4% in the first quarter 
this year and is expected to grow at 4.5% for all of 2009. 

Last week the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised up Indonesia's 
projected growth to 3%-4% from its previous 1-2% forecast, a strong foreign 
endorsement of the economy's management in tough times. Boediono also served as 
a finance minister in Megawati's administration and was widely credited with 
restoring macroeconomic and currency stability after the country went 
spectacularly bust in the wake of the 1997-98 Asian economic crisis. 

At the same time, Boediono's selection has sparked political ripples, including 
a sense of pique among Yudhoyono's committed coalition partners. The Islamist 
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the United Development Party (PPP), and the 
National Mandate Party (PAN) have all launched attacks on Boediono's selection. 
Djoko Susilo, deputy chairman of the PAN faction in the House of 
Representatives, said Boediono's "neo-liberal Western economic perspective" was 
not suited for Indonesia's economic situation and that PAN is "suspicious of 
possible American interference behind the decision" to choose Boediono. 

Those criticisms have since been echoed by Yudhoyono's election rivals. Golkar 
party candidate and incumbent vice president Kalla said that Boediono's 
neo-liberal tendencies, including the sale of national assets to foreigners, 
could cause the collapse of the Indonesian economy and turn Indonesians into 
"migrant workers in their own country". Kalla has instead proposed a "people's 
economy" approach, entailing grassroots involvement in managing the economy, 
encouragement of traditional markets and providing micro-finance facilities for 
small- and medium-sized enterprises. 

Meanwhile, Megawati and her running mate, former soldier Prabowo Subianto, have 
likewise jumped on the populist bandwagon, saying if elected they will 
emphasize improving the livelihood of those at the bottom of the national 
income scale, including farmers, fishermen, and small traders at traditional 
markets. They have vowed to achieve double-digit GDP growth of 10% (compared to 
Yudhoyono's promised 7% and Kalla's 8%) with "minimum foreign loans and 

Yudhoyono's team has defended itself against the opposition's politicized 
charges. At a press conference arranged by Yudhoyono's election team, his 
supporters boomeranged the neo-liberal slight onto Megawati, who they noted 
sold the country's top telecommunications company Indosat and offshore tanks of 
state-owned national oil and gas company Pertamina to foreign investors during 
her presidency, which spanned from 2001 to 2004. They also highlighted Kalla's 
big business background and deals he's brokered with big foreign investors. 

IMF legacy 
The neo-liberal versus pro-people economy debate has its ideological roots in 
Indonesia's hard-knocks experience during the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. 
The onerous conditions attached to the IMF's US$43 billion bailout package 
remain hugely controversial due to lingering perceptions they favored foreign 
over local interests. 

Those measures included sovereignty eroding demands to privatize state 
enterprises, liberalize domestic markets to more foreign competition, and 
implement trade and tariff reforms that were hugely unpopular among the local 
commercial elite and economic nationalists. Average Indonesians, meanwhile, 
faced galloping inflation and lower spending power from a sharply depreciated 

When Megawati took over the premiership in 2001, she handed the economic reins 
to Boediono, who served as her finance minister. In a politically risky 
maneuver, he shunned economic nationalists in parliament and moved forward with 
the IMF's neo-liberal prescriptions. Ever since Boediono has overseen 
Indonesia's deepening market reforms, spanning both Megawati's and Yudhoyono's 

He currently serves as the IMF's governor for Indonesia, a position that gives 
him the power to vote on IMF decisions and responsibilities for implementing 
the Fund's policies towards Indonesia. While his dual role and potential for 
conflict of interests has sparked the opposition campaign against his 
candidacy, the opposition criticism has been misleading, say some economic 

Since former dictator Suharto's tenure, Indonesia's economic policy has always 
been a mix of market forces and state intervention, where calibration has 
always been "a fine tuning process", according to Yohannes Eko Riyanto, a 
lecturer in economics at the National University of Singapore. Yudhoyono has 
endeavored to accelerate market reforms, including through the rationalization 
of the banking and telecommunication industries and overhaul of the Foreign 
Investment Law. 

As a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and signatory to various free 
trade agreements, Indonesia is legally required to dismantle tariff barriers 
and promote free competition across various local industries. Despite the 
populist posturing, neither Kalla nor Megawati is poised to drag the country 
back to the protectionist 1960s, when import substitution and infant industry 
protection were en vogue. 

Ikhsan Modjo, executive director of Jakarta-based think-tank Institute for 
Development of Economics and Finance Indonesia (INDEF), notes that Yudhoyono's 
government has incorporated various pro-people policies into its economic mix. 
He points in particular to the government's direct cash assistance program, 
fuel price subsidies, and programs that have aimed to encourage economic 
empowerment, job opportunities and financial independence for grassroots 

Both Modjo and Riyanto raise red flags about Megawati's and Kalla's call for 
more so-called people-based economics, including unaddressed questions about 
how such policies would be implemented and financed. They also note that the 
personal backgrounds of both presidential aspirants have historically been more 
pro-business than pro-poor, despite each candidate's best efforts to cast 
themselves on the hustings as sensitive to the country's large number of people 
living under the poverty line. 

Some analysts and investors raise concerns about the anti-Western sentiment in 
both Kalla's and Megawati's campaign message. To be sure, many Indonesians 
still believe the IMF's neo-liberal prescriptions plunged the country deeper 
into crisis and prolonged the period of economic suffering. The economy 
whipsawed from positive 7% growth to negative 13% at the height of the 1997-98 

"Indonesians do not want to taste the same bitter pill again,'' said former 
finance minister Rizal Ramli. "It was an economic depression on a scale we had 
never experienced since independence from Dutch in 1945," he added. 

Economic and financial analysts believe Indonesia is better positioned to 
weather the current global downturn. Analysts note that Yudhoyono was confident 
enough in the country's fundamentals to refuse an IMF US$2 billion short term 
lending facility offer to boost the country's flagging currency at the time of 
the G-20 meeting in Washington last November. On several measures, Indonesia 
has weathered the current global crisis better than many of its wealthier, more 
export-oriented regional neighbors, including Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. 

Although the neo-liberal versus pro-people economic debate is largely 
politicized, they also reflect your average Indonesian's worries about the 
economic future, say analysts. While economic growth has held up relatively 
well, due to resilient local markets, local industries such as steel and 
textiles have repeatedly asked the government to tighten import barriers and 
encourage "buy local" provisions to help them survive the downturn. 

More significantly, the gap between rich and poor has recently widened and 
Yudhoyono has plainly failed to meet key economic targets set in the beginning 
of his tenure. Both Yudhoyono and Kalla promised to reduce unemployment, which 
peaked at 9.9% in 2004, to 5.1% when their term expired. The current 
unemployment rate still stands at 8.5%. Meanwhile the percentage of people 
living below the poverty line is stuck at 15.4%, down from 16.7% in 2004, but 
lagging badly behind their set goal of 8.5%. 

Yudhoyono kicked off his campaign for a second term last week by saying that a 
"just and equitable" economy will be his priority if re-elected. He also 
introduced a new catchphrase to counter the neo-liberal mudslinging, a policy 
approach he referred to as the "middle-way" economy. Indonesia will not 
surrender everything to the free market, he said, but would embrace the 
efficiencies of a well-functioning market mechanism while ensuring more 
equitable wealth distribution. 

According to opinion polls, Yudhoyono has hit the right economic notes. A 
recent poll conducted by the Indonesian Survey Institute showed that 
Yudhoyono's popularity now hovers around 70%. To narrow that gap, Kalla and 
Megawati are expected to attack his economic record during the three rounds of 
upcoming presidential debates to be telecast live on national television. 

Pollsters and analysts say Indonesians are concerned mainly with bread and 
butter issues that directly affect their livelihood and are unlikely to be 
swayed by abstract philosophical debates over neo-liberal and people-based 
policies. And if the preliminary polls have it right, the election is 
Yudhoyono's to lose. 

"Rather than debating on economic philosophy, the challengers should 
concentrate on elaborating their own concrete policies to fight the country's 
most urgent problems: poverty and unemployment," said Modjo. 

Megawati Wijaya is a Singapore-based journalist. She may be contacted at 

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