Refleksi : Capers-capers NKRI bicara dan janji macam-macam, tetapi satu hal 
yang mereka tidak utik-utik ialah harta kekayaan rakyat yang dicuri oleh 
Soeharto yang menurut UN Stolen Assets Recovery [StAR] berjumlah antaran US$ 30 
- US$ 50,-- milyar.  Apakah para capers-capers ini satu komplotan kleptoktatik  
dengan Soeharto  dan oleh karena itu  mereka tidak berani  mengutik-mengutik  
masalah tsb dalam pemilihan umum maupun pemilihan presiden yang akan datang?

Marcos and her gems to be reunited 
By Roel Landingin and agencies in Manila 

Published: June 15 2009 20:12 | Last updated: June 15 2009 20:12

She was famous for her shoes and lavish lifestyle. Now, 23 years after her 
husband was deposed as leader of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos may soon be 
reunited with her jewellery. The Philippine government has urged the return of 
gems worth more than $310m (?224m), including a Burmese ruby said to be as big 
as a prune.

The justice department on Monday ordered an anti-corruption agency to resolve 
claims dating back two decades on several sets of jewellery allegedly belonging 
to Mrs Marcos and return them to her family if warranted. 

Raul Gonzalez, justice secretary, said that the Presidential Commission on Good 
Government, which aims to recover about $10bn of the allegedly ill-gotten 
wealth of Ferdinand Marcos, the late dictator, and his family, did not issue a 
sequestration order when it seized the jewellery in 1986.

"Evidently, Mrs Marcos remains to be the legitimate owner of said prized 
jewellery," Mr Gonzalez said in a letter to the commission.

The commission said that it was surprised but would discuss the order on 

The collection, which reportedly included a diamond brooch, bracelet and 
earrings as well as the prune-sized ruby, has been kept in a vault at the 
Philippines' central bank since 1990.

Mrs Marcos, who went to court to stop a government attempt to auction the 
jewellery collection in 2006 arguing that the gems were not acquired illegally 
using public funds, welcomed Monday's decision. 

"Thank God that after more than 23 years of relentless persecution and 
deprivation initiated by the Cory Aquino administration in 1986, President 
Gloria Arroyo's government has now started efforts for truth and justice to 
prevail," she said.

Many of the pieces were meant for religious images, including "tiaras for the 
Blessed Virgin Mary", said the former first lady, whose power and extravagance 
is the theme of a show, Imelda: The New Musical, set to open on Broadway in New 
York this autumn. 

But the justice department order was condemned by human rights advocates as 
another example of the "unpredictability and instability" of government 
policies under Mrs Arroyo.

The president is struggling to counter record low popularity ratings amid a 
widespread perception that she is behind attempts to rewrite the constitution 
to remain in power after her term ends next year.

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