Wednesday 1 July 2009 (08 Rajab 1430)  

      Elderly asked to skip Haj
      Muhammad Humaidan & Samir Al-Saadi | Arab News 
      JEDDAH: A workshop on precautionary health measures during Haj and Umrah 
yesterday recommended that the old, the infirm, pregnant women and children not 
perform Haj and Umrah this year in view of the global swine flu pandemic.

      Health Minister Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah said at a press conference 
following a workshop in Jeddah yesterday that the World Health Organization 
(WHO) experts who participated in the conference were satisfied with the 
precautionary measures taken by the Kingdom to prevent the spread of the virus 
among pilgrims during the Haj season.

      "What the health authorities in the Kingdom are doing to prevent the 
spread of the disease by far surpasses what is being done anywhere else in the 
world," Al-Rabeeah said, adding that the Kingdom was the only country which was 
implementing the system of quarantine recommended by the WHO. Experts from the 
WHO, other international agencies and Saudi Arabia attended the workshop, which 
was organized on instructions from Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King 

      Asked by Arab News about the efficacy of vaccines against swine flu, the 
minister said there is no effective vaccine against the disease. "The available 
vaccines are yet to be evaluated and assessed, a process that might take 

      The workshop recommended that Haj and Umrah pilgrims, local residents and 
service providers in the holy cities should be vaccinated against the H1N1 
virus at least two weeks before their departure from their home countries, the 
minister said.

      The workshop's major recommendations were that Saudi health authorities 
and Haj delegations representing various countries stock necessary quantities 
of medication for treatment and prevention of the virus causing the swine flu. 

      Referral laboratories should have reserve stocks of reagents and trained 
manpower to deal with the large number of people in Haj. The pilgrims, 
residents and those in contact with them should also be vaccinated against 
seasonal flu.

      The workshop also recommended that pilgrims take the new H1N1 vaccine 
when it becomes available later this year, before coming to Saudi Arabia. The 
workshop stressed the need for continuing the monitoring and checking of the 
spread of swine flu in the Kingdom. Practicing personal hygienic habits such as 
covering the nose while sneezing, coughing into tissues and washing hands with 
water and soap besides wearing masks while visiting crowded places were also 

      Quarantine facilities should be close to arrival lounges for Haj 
pilgrims, according to the experts. Recording and preserving accurate data 
about the disease for future reference was also stressed at the workshop. The 
workshop urged the importance of adhering to the health conditions issued by 
the Saudi Ministry of Health. The MoH and WHO annually prepare plans for 
awareness campaigns.

      The minister said he did not agree with claims that the media's focus on 
the disease was larger than the actual danger. "On the other hand, the danger 
of the disease comes from the absence of immunity and vaccination against it," 
he said.

      The WHO experts expect a considerable increase in cases of swine flu 
until a vaccine is found. At the same time, the ministry announced that six new 
cases of swine flu had been reported in the Kingdom, raising the number to 81.


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