Reviewing a Nazi-Soviet Pact 60 Years On

21 August 2009By David MarplesSunday marks the 70th anniversary of the 
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a nonaggression treaty between the two totalitarian 
powers of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, as well as a secret protocol that 
divided Eastern Europe into spheres of influence between Adolf Hitler and Josef 

In May, President Dmitry Medvedev authorized a commission to investigate cases 
of historical revisionism of World War II to the detriment of Russia. The move 
followed the approval a year earlier of new school textbooks that reassessed 
the role of Stalin, acknowledging that he had made some errors but noting in 
turn his achievements and successes, particularly in the war years. Taken 
together, they symbolize the new Russian policy of identifying contemporary 
Russia with the former Soviet regime. 

Last month, Russia responded furiously to a proposal by the Parliamentary 
Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to declare 
Aug. 23 a commemoration of the victims of fascism and communism. In Moscow's 
view, it is not possible to equate the evils of Nazism with Stalin's regime. 

Reporter Ilya Kanavin recently focused on the pact on "Vesti Nedeli," citing 
historian Natalya Narochnitskaya's view that by the terms of the pact, the 
Soviet Union was only regaining territories that were formerly part of the 
Russian Empire. Citing this same author, Kanavin maintained that Stalin was 
obliged to make a deal with Hitler for the following reasons: 

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. It was essential to keep the German army as far from the Soviet border as 
possible because the Soviet Union was at war with Imperial Japan in the Far 
East and could not be fighting on two fronts simultaneously. 

. Germany and Poland at that point were in close collusion and could even be 
termed allies, based on a 1934 agreement that contained secret clauses on 
mutual military aid. Kanavin emphasized that such secret protocols were a 
staple of treaties in this period. 

. With the removal of some 38,000 Soviet officers during the purges, Stalin 
needed time to train new military leaders and produce more arms. 

. Stalin was isolated because the only potential allies, Britain and France, 
had no intention of reaching an agreement with the Soviet Union. A year 
earlier, the two democratic countries had participated in the notorious Munich 
Agreement that led to the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia through the policy of 
appeasement. Only Winston Churchill opposed Hitler, but world leaders were 
supposedly more afraid of Stalin than the German dictator. 

. Kanavin maintained that the Soviet Union should not be blamed for giving 
Hitler a free hand in his assigned sector of Poland. Stalin then had little 
choice but to sign the agreement, in full knowledge that he was only postponing 
the conflict. 

These arguments can be questioned on a number of grounds, not least because 
they distinguish between a rapacious Hitler regime and a defensive-minded and 
implicitly benign Stalin government that eventually would bear the brunt of the 

The comment that Stalin was occupying only territories formerly under the 
Russian Empire is inaccurate. In the summer of 1940, for example, after forcing 
the Romanians out of Bessarabia, Stalin also occupied northern Bukovina (today 
it is Ukraine's Chernovtsy region) that had never been under Russian rule. When 
Molotov visited Germany late in 1940, he made several more territorial demands 
that reportedly led Hitler to accelerate plans for the invasion of the Soviet 

Eastern Poland's Volhynia region was part of the Russian Empire, but eastern 
Galicia had only been under Russian rule briefly during World War I. It is hard 
to perceive acquisition of these territories as anything other than the 
westward expansion of the Soviet Union. 

But it is the assault on the annexed population that belies the arguments of 
Kanavin and Narochnitskaya, particularly because there are several instances of 
collaboration between the two occupying powers. Both systematically eradicated 
the Polish population - the Nazis overtly and the Soviets through deportations 
and secret executions in forests such as Katyn. More than 26,000 Polish 
officers were executed at three separate prison camps. 

Stalin, however, claimed to be liberating subject populations - Ukrainians and 
Belarussians - who wished to join the Soviet Union. The Soviet advance only 
took place 16 days after the German invasion of western Poland. In this way, 
the Russian side did little fighting - only in Grodno did the Poles offer much 
resistance - and was able to pose as a friendly power. 

However, having eliminated all vestiges of Polish rule, the new government 
organized mass deportations of Ukrainians, Belarussians and Jews in 1940 and 
1941. A similar policy was deployed after the Soviet Union occupied the three 
Baltic States in the summer of 1940. 

Medvedev and Russian historians have to face a few home truths. Even Kanavin 
conceded that the mass execution of Red Army officers weakened the Soviet 
military. But this action was part of the terror that the Stalin regime applied 
both domestically and in newly conquered territories, committing mass murders 
on an epic scale. Today, the Baltic states consider the entire period between 
1940 and 1990 as Soviet occupation. That is why their citizens initially 
welcomed the Germans in the summer of 1941. Large sectors of western Ukraine 
remain alienated from Moscow today for the same reason. 

By the agreement of Aug. 23, 1939, the two dictators acted in Machiavellian 
fashion. It is facile to suggest that Stalin should be regarded differently 
because he emerged as a victorious war leader responsible for the defeat of 
fascism. His naive trust in Hitler, manifested by the treaty, also was 
responsible for the Soviet failure to respond in the first days of the Great 
Patriotic War, leading to the mass loss of territory and capture of millions of 
Soviet citizens. 

Aug. 23 was a dark day for Russia, as it was for the rest of Europe. That is 
how it should be remembered. 

David Marples, a professor of Russian history at the University of Alberta, 
Canada, is the author of "The Collapse of the Soviet Union, 1985-1991."

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