The Punjab: The Geography of Fundamentalism

By Umer Farooq

Islamabad, Asharq Al-Awsat - What is the link between Ajmal Kasab (the lone 
surviving gunman of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack), Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi 
(the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks) and Hafiz Muhammad Saeed 
(the former leader of Lashkar-e-Taiba)? 

The answer is geography. Apart from their shared militant backgrounds, and 
their links or alleged links to the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, all three 
men come from the Punjab region which is one of the wealthiest and most 
populated provinces in Pakistan. 

Since last year, the names of militant leaders from the Punjab have come to 
overshadow the dreaded Taliban icons from Pakistan's tribal regions, such as 
Baitullah Mehsud and Hakimullah Mehsud. The reason for this is that Pakistani 
media has to provide balanced media coverage of the terrorist attacks that have 
been taking place in the Punjab and Islamabad (which is both culturally and 
geographically part of the Punjab), and in most cases these attacks take 
precedence in the media over the chaotic situation in the tribal areas. 

Islamabad's iconic Marriott Hotel went up in flames. The only foreign cricket 
team willing to play in Pakistan was terrorized by gunmen in the heart of 
Lahore. The police training academy in Manawan was besieged by gunmen. Although 
the Taliban militants from tribal areas play a pivotal role in planning these 
attacks, the majority of these attacks were actually carried out by Punjab 

In the latest terrorist attack, this time on the Pakistani army stationed in 
Rawalpindi, the attackers were led by a disgruntled former employee of the Army 
Medical Corp who was originally from Punjab province. In fact of the group of 
ten attackers, five were from the Punjab, with the other five coming from the 
tribal areas. 

Most of Pakistani's political and military elite come from the Punjab, which is 
also home to more than 60 percent of the country's entire population. The 
Punjab province is politically and economically the most influential region of 
Pakistan, and with its expanding urban centers, the Punjab has also become the 
hub for Pakistani commercial and industrial activity. 

At the same time, Punjab society has strong historic links with the Islamic 
revivalist movement. Nadeem Malik, a Pakistani sociologist at Melbourne 
University said "Historically speaking, most of the religious revivalist 
movements in British Northern India were born and prospered in the Punjab." 

The scourge of sectarian terrorism is deeply rooted in the urban centers of the 
Punjab province. Most of the sectarian militant organizations (which are 
offshoots of the Islamic Revivalist movement in 19th century British-ruled 
India) are based in the city of the Punjab. 

These religious revivalist movements and sectarian organizations have always 
remained on the fringes of the Punjab's mainstream politics. Fashir-ur-Rehman, 
a senior [Pakistani] journalist and political commentator said, "Not even once 
in the 60-year history of Pakistan has any religious political party succeeded 
in electoral politics in the Punjab." 

However some of these religious political parties have strong ties to armed 
sectarian militant organizations that threaten the peace of the Punjab, whose 
stability is vital to the overall stability of Pakistan. 

The Taliban have proven themselves capable of adapting to new circumstances in 
order to further strengthen themselves and expand their range of operations, 
with the Punjab being their latest base. 

According to Pakistani government and police officials, an alliance between the 
"Punjabi Taliban" which is a group of outlawed militant organizations focused 
upon sectarian violence and fighting in Indian-administered Kashmir, and the 
Tehrik-i-Taliban, has emerged as a major threat to the country. 

This partnership is apparently aiding the Tehrik-i-Taliban to spread its 
influence southwards into Punjabi cities like Dera Ghazi Khan, Mianwali, and 
Bhakkar, where a large number of their citizens are Deobandis (an Islamic 
revivalist movement) and therefore open to Taliban recruitment, or at the very 
least sympathetic to Taliban ideology. 

Pakistani officials believe that the Punjabi Taliban is providing sanctuary and 
information about Punjab cities to tribal militants, who utilize this link to 
carry out terrorist attacks there. In return, Taliban militants offer refuge to 
the Punjabi Taliban which has been pursued by Pakistani police and intelligence 
forces since 2002 when these Punjab-based militant organizations were outlawed 
by the government of former President Pervez Musharraf. 

Pakistani officials are able to cite specific examples of the cooperation 
between the tribal militants and the Punjabi Taliban. For example, the truck 
used in the 2008 Islamabad Marriot Hotel bombing was traced to the city of 
Jhang in the Punjab province, whilst the suicide bomber and explosives were 
traced to southern Waziristan. 

Officials also claim that whilst the gunmen who attacked the Sir Lankan cricket 
team in Lahore were from the tribal areas, those who provided aid and sanctuary 
to these gunmen were Lahore and Dera Ghazi Khan locals. 

Investigations into both of these attackers revealed that they were committed 
by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a sectarian militant organization based in the Punjab 
that was following the instructions of Baitullah Mehsud. 

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is a sectarian militant group that has been implicated in the 
death of Shiite leaders in Pakistan. This group has served as a focal point for 
Punjabi militants as it is considered to be most experienced group that carries 
out attacks against Western targets in Pakistan. Pakistani investigators hold 
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi responsible for the May 2002 terrorist attack on the US 
consulate in Karachi, and the March 2002 attack on the International Protestant 
Church in Islamabad. 

Analysts believe that the closer cooperation between Tehrik-i-Taliban and the 
Punjabi Taliban is not surprising since members of both groups attended the 
same training camps in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan; however their conducting of 
cooperative operations is a new development. 

Officials said that this cooperation could be traced back to 2001 when former 
President Pervez Musharraf banned the militant groups based in the Punjab, such 
as Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Harakat ul-Jihad-al-Islami, and 
Jamiat-ul-Ansar. Several of these groups escaped into North and South 
Waziristan, where they later established training camps for Punjabi recruits. 

Pakistani security officials believe that putting an end to this alliance is 
the key to defeating both groups. One [Pakistani] official said "the tribal 
militants can be easily identified and distinguished from the Punjab population 
due to their language and fair complexion, and it will be highly difficult for 
them to seek shelter in the cities of the Punjab." 

In the sixty years since independence, the different regions of Pakistan's 
Punjab province has witnessed uneven economic development, and the prosperous 
and fully developed areas of the Punjab clearly belies the oft-quoted 
sociological theories linking religious extremism to poverty and 

Ajmal Kasab is from an economically vibrant area of the Punjab. His village has 
a strong agricultural output, and there are plenty of agricultural-based jobs 
to offer steady employment to its rising youthful population. Other 
economically rich areas in the Punjab province have similarly become hotbeds of 
religious extremism. 

A case in point is the town of Kabirwala, which is close to Ajmal Kasab's 
village, Faridkot. Kabirwala is located in the heart of the cotton producing 
region of the Punjab; it also has one of the largest Deobandi Madrassas [in the 

On the other hand, no other area [in the world] proves the direct link between 
poverty and underdevelopment and religious extremism better than the southern 
parts of Punjab. Industry is almost non-existent here, and private and public 
sector jobs are few and far between. Even the agricultural industry is 
dominated by tribal chiefs. 

In 2008, a suicide bomber attacked a Shiite congregation in Dera Ghazi Khan, 
killing more than 30 people. Investigators say that Qari Ismail and Mustafa 
Qisani, two locals arrested for the attack, planned this with the support of 
Baitullah Mehsud. 

South Waziristan borders the Punjab, and the chief of the local Keysari tribe 
that lives in this region, Mir Badshah Khan Kesarani, who is a member of the 
Punjab provincial legislature, admitted that some of his tribesmen cross into 
the tribal areas to fight in Afghanistan. 

The Deobandi school of thought never achieved the status of a popular movement 
in the Punjab. Despite this, the Deobandi Madrassas have spread across the 
region, and some of these Madrassas are infamous for producing world famous 
terrorists and sectarian militants. 

The prime example of this is Rashid Rauf, a British national of Pakistani 
origin, who was allegedly involved in a plot to blow up international passenger 
airplanes in the air. Rauf was arrested in Pakistan, where he famously escaped 
from custody after being detained for more than a year. He fled to the tribal 
areas, and was reported to have been killed in a US drone attack last year. 
Rashid Rauf studied Islamic law in the Deobandi Madrassa in Bahawalpur, a city 
in southern Punjab. 

Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, the founder of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, is another example. 
Jhangvi founded the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in the 1980s, and this sectarian militant 
organization has been involved in the death of hundreds of Shiite leaders, and 
numerous attacks on Western targets in Pakistan. Jhangvi studied at a Deobandi 
Madrassa in Kabirwala. 

Since the Punjabi Taliban allied with the Tehrik-i-Taliban one year ago, they 
have attracted the attention of Pakistani and international media, as well as 
the attention of the US military and intelligence agencies. The US drone 
attacks in Pakistan's tribal areas are also increasingly focused upon the 
Punjabi Taliban hiding in the areas close to the Afghan border, and so it is no 
coincidence that Pakistan has decreased its opposition to US drone attacks in 
the last 8 to 12 months. Perhaps the importance of targeting the deadly Punjabi 
Taliban force in the context of international efforts against terrorism has 
finally been recognized, if belatedly.

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