Monday 14 December 2009 (27 Dhul Hijjah 1430)

      New row over burned Khomeini photo
      Ali Akbar Dareini | AP
      TEHRAN: Police surrounded the campus of Tehran University on Sunday, 
trapping hundreds of students protesting what they said were fabricated 
government images showing the burning of a photo of the revered founder of the 
Islamic republic.

      State television has repeatedly shown images, ostensibly taken during 
opposition protests on Dec. 7, of unidentified hands burning the picture of 
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - a grave and illegal insult against a man who 
remains widely respected in the country.

      The students protesting on Sunday contended the images were fabricated by 
government agents and are being used to justify further crackdowns on the 

      Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called for calm but 
indirectly accused the opposition of creating a hostile environment.

      "Some have converted the election campaign into a campaign against the 
entire system," Khamenei said without naming any opposition leaders. "We call 
on those who are angry to remain calm." Reformists, including former 
presidential candidate Mir Hossein Musavi, maintain that their supporters had 
nothing to do with the burning of the picture, which they say is being used by 
the regime to discredit the opposition.

      The Dec. 7 rallies, the largest protests in months, did see numerous 
attacks on the current supreme leader of the country, Khamenei.

      Students chanted slogans against him, burned and trampled his photos in 
unprecedented acts of defiance in a country where Khamenei has final say in all 
state matters.

      Dozens of police surrounded the campus of Tehran University again on 
Sunday as inside hundreds of pro-reform students protesting inside denied 
accusations they had any connection with the images. 

      The elite Revolutionary Guard called on Sunday for the trial and 
punishment of those responsible for burning the photo as it continues to 
pressure the opposition.

      "The Revolutionary Guard ... won't tolerate any silence or hesitation in 
the immediate identification, trial and punishment of those carrying out this 
ugly insult and the agents behind them," it said in a statement posted on its 

      Under the law, insult to the late or current supreme leader can lead to 
two years of prison.

      The Guard, which is tasked with defending the clerical regime that came 
to power in Iran in 1979 under Khomeini's leadership after the pro-US shah was 
overthrown, was at the forefront of squashing Iran's post-election unrest.

      Reformists contend that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected in 
fraudulent June contests and for months protested against the government before 
widespread crackdowns.

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