The Mother of Osama Bin Laden's Children: I Pray to God Night and Day for the 
Return of My Children

By Mohammed Al Shafey

London, Asharq Al-Awsat- Najwa al-Ghanem, the first wife of Al Qaeda chief 
Osama Bin Laden, confirmed that she greatly misses her six children who have 
been detained in Iran for more than eight and a half years. In a telephone 
interview conducted with Asharq Al-Awsat yesterday, Najwa al-Ghanem also 
revealed that she is in poor health, and that she prays to God night and day 
for the reunion of her family and the return of her six children and eleven 
grandchildren who she has not seen since they first went to Iran. 

Najwa al-Ghanem appealed to the Iranian authorities to complete the good deed 
of looking after her children since 2001 by quickly facilitating their return 
to the family. 

Najwa told Asharq Al-Awsat of the feelings of joy that she felt when she 
learned that her six children were alive and well in Iran and described this as 
being the result of "a blessing thanks alone to God Almighty, and [our] prayers 
that He keep them from harm. God has responded to us because they [the 
children] are innocent of any allegations." 

Asharq Al-Awsat yesterday published an interview with Najwa al-Ghanem's son 
Omar Bin Laden in which he revealed that six of his siblings and his father's 
wife (Umm Hamzah) have been present in Iran since 2001. He also confirmed that 
his sister Iman has sought refuge in the Saudi embassy in Tehran after she 
escaped from her guards. 

Osama Bin Laden's first wife told Asharq Al-Awsat "my children Saad, Othman, 
Mohamed, Fatima, and Bakr, and their wives and children, in addition to Mrs. 
Khayriyah (Umm Hamza) the wife of Bin Laden are being detained in a residential 
complex." As for her daughter Iman, Najwa al-Ghanem said that she is being 
hosted by the Saudi embassy in Tehran. She told Asharq Al-Awsat that she phones 
her daughter and checks up on her via the Saudi Arabian embassy's internal 
communications, and that she lives honorably in a special room in the embassy 
until -God willing - she can leave and travel to Saudi Arabia or Syria or any 
other neighboring country. 

Najwa al-Ghanem expressed her thanks to the Iranian authorities for taking care 
of her six children during the previous years and keeping them safe. She said 
that due to the long absence of any news about them she believed that they had 
come to harm or died, but the telephone call from Iman to her brother Abdullah, 
before she sought refuge in the Saudi embassy in Tehran, gave her new hope. She 
confirmed that none of her children have anything whatsoever to do with 
suspicions of terrorism, and they lived in Afghanistan with their father 
because they are his family. 

Najwa al-Ghanem also commended the embassy of the Custodian of the Two Holy 
Mosques in Tehran. She told Asharq Al-Awsat "God knows that they have done very 
well, we are in their debt, those in the embassy have treated my daughter with 
love and respect and honor, they have treated her like their own daughter. We 
wish them all the best and may God bless them, and their efforts to return her 
[Iman] to the bosom of her family, and their good deeds on the Day of Judgment, 
God willing. 

An official in the Saudi embassy who wished to remain anonymous refused to 
comment on the details of Iman's life in the Saudi embassy in Iran, saying only 
that one could confirm her wellbeing from her siblings and mother who check up 
on her on a daily basis, and communication between them is not interrupted. The 
official also pointed out that talking to the media may damage the mediation 
efforts that are being made with the Iranian authorities [for the return of the 
Saudi citizens]. 

For his part, Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden's fourth son told Asharq Al-Awsat 
that he had no idea that his brothers and sisters were alive until they 
contacted him in November and informed him that they had fled Afghanistan prior 
to the September 11 attacks, walking to the Iranian border. They were then 
transferred to a [residential] compound surrounded by fences outside of Tehran 
where the guards informed them that they were not allowed to leave for their 
own safety. He said "the time has come for the children of Bin Laden to return 
to their good and pure homeland and their beloved Saudi Arabia rather than this 
dispersion [of family members] that we are experiencing today." 

Omar Bin Laden also said that his relatives "live a good life as much as 
possible in Iran today, cooking food and watching television and reading. They 
are infrequently allowed outside on shopping trips." He thanked the Iranian 
authorities for taking good care of his siblings, and added "The Iranian 
government did not know what to do with this large group of people that nobody 
wants, they therefore looked after their safety. Therefore we owe them a lot of 
gratitude, and we thank Iran from the bottom of our hearts." Omar Bin Laden now 
hopes that his family will be allowed to leave Iran and reunite with his mother 
or reunite with the family in Saudi Arabia, and his brother and sister in 
Syria, or join him and his wife in Qatar. 

The group that is present in Iran includes one of Osama Bin Laden's wives, six 
of his children, and eleven of his grandchildren, all of whom have been living 
in a [residential] compound outside of Tehran under strict security measures 
for the past eight years. 

The US and Afghan forces launched a large-scale attack on the Tora Bora 
mountains in 2001 to hunt down the Saudi born Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden has 
never been found, and it is believed that he is still hiding out in the 
mountainous border regions between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Najwa married her 
cousin Osama Bin Laden when she was 15 years old and he was 17 years old. She 
bore him 6 sons and 4 daughters. Osama Bin Laden's first wife also revealed new 
details about the character of America's Most Wanted man, revealing details 
about his private, his relationship with his wives and children, and his 
hobbies, in a special book published in London two months ago. 

Najwa said that her husband is a "frugal father who banned his children from 
having toys and banned his wives from using modern tools in the house, but he 
loved nature and cultivating flowers. He [also] spoke English fluently and he 
loved fast cars." 

In this book, Bin Laden's first wife, and his fourth son Omar, gave a unique 
perspective on the personal life of the Al Qaeda leader at the time of the 
September 11 attacks on America. 

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