Why we should follow Jesus and do not follow the other?
Firstly I must ask for an apologize to my own peoples that I write this article 
in English and do not write in Indonesian language, even most of Indonesians 
are not able to understand English well and my English is not very perfect like 
the British or American peoples.
I do it in English, it is only because this language is easier to be translated 
into several languages in the world, and I want to send this article to all 
friends of mine in the world who are not able to understand Indonesian language.
Jesus the Messiah is a very unik person, he is not very easy to be known by the 
people who do not want to know HIM, or the people who just keep their own way 
of thinking and judge HIM as someone who will do a violation in their own 
585 years before JESUS was born, HE has already professed in the BIBLE (BASIC 
INFORMATION BEFORE LEAVING EARTH), but even in this date, many people do not 
know who Jesus is, and especially after I saw the film of JEWS FOR JESUS, I saw 
that one Jews do not want to accept JESUS as his Redeemer.
Through the FOR HIM GROUP in Korea, E mail: forhim1...@yahoo.com, I'll try to 
explain you something about this matter.
JESUS is the Messiah who is able to safe our soul, HE is the KING of kings, but 
why he was born in a small city of Bethlehem and did not born in a palace? Even 
the King Herodes himself was very surprise that a KING of kings is born at that 
time, and the King Herodes will kill him to protect his own kingdom from the 
other KING.
Until today many people protect themselves from JESUS and go far away from 
JESUS the Messiah, also many Christians did their own way to proclaim, that 
they are the JESUS FOLLOWER with doing something just like a sign only.
Why I write that we should follow JESUS the MESSIAH? JESUS is a person like us 
who completely obey our Lord the Father, HE will not do something, before he 
received an authority to do for the other person.
As a simple example, I intend to write to you, incase I am not the owner of a 
motor bike who is parked infront of my house, but I command you to take that 
motor bike away and that motor bike should be brought home to your own house.
If you follow my word, than you will become a crazy person who take a property 
of the other people which is not belong to you yourselves, and you will be able 
to be sent to jail. Because I, the person who command you, am not the person 
who has the power to give you an authority to do that.
Many Christians though if they are able to speak with the tongues, than he is 
signed to be the JESUS FOLLOWER.
In the BIBLE, our Lord Jesus has never given us that instructions, and in 1 
Corinthians 13 : 1 - 13 is already written perfectly, but many Christians do 
not want to explain to the other like that, because there are no benefit at all 
for themselves.
Now, please see the declaration of JESUS THE MESSIAH by HIMSELF, from the 
begginning, it was the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and 
the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to 
the wedding, and when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to HIM, 
"They have no wine". Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does your concern have to 
do with me? My hour has not yet come" (John 2 : 1 - 4).
Jesus will not do anything, because he did not receive any authority at that 
time, and even Jesus was able to change Water (H20) into Wine. Until today 
there is no Chemists in the world who can change water into wine in a very 
short periode just like Jesus has done, especially Jesus has done a good wine 
said the Master of the feast (John 2 : 9).
Incase I do the same way like Jesus has done, it means I ask my servants to  
fill the water into the waterpot and ask you to draw some out from that pot and 
take it to the Master of the feast without any authority, and you follow my 
word without any authority, than I am very sure the Master of the feast will 
become angry with you, maybe he can hit you.
Jesus the Messiah has never baptized the people to become HIS FOLLOWER, because 
at that time, HE has no authority to do that, but after he got all authority in 
heaven and on earth, he gave us an instruction which we should follow HIM, so 
that HE is with us always, even to the end of the age. Please read it carefully 
at Matthew 28 : 18 - 20 like follows: "Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and 
make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and 
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I 
have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age".
Will you do it? If you do not want to do it, I am very sure Jesus will not with 
us always, even to the end of the age, please remember it, thank you very much.
Remember John 14 : 6 "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the 
life. No one comes to the Father except through me", No one in the world has 
given that word to all peoples in the world, except JESUS THE MESSIAH, that is 
why, please FOLLOW JESUS if you want to be saved.
Written in Seoul, Korea by:
Evangelist Njoo from Indonesia.

HALLELUYA INDONESIA MAKMUR), Kita semua itu bersaudara yaitu dari satu Bapak 
IBRAHIM (ABRAHAM). Jadi jangan gontok gontokan, kita punya PANCASILA, karena 
negara kita INDONESIA itu adalah negara satu satunya di seluruh dunia ini yang 
memiliki PANCASILA. 

Kita jangan mengikuti aturan dari negara lain, ikutilah dan taatilah segala 
Undang Undang Dasar 1945 saja dan hidup rukun, agar bisa Makmur serta DAMAI 


FirmanMU itu pelita bagi kakiku dan terang bagi jalanku. Aku telah bersumpah 
dan aku akan menepatinya, untuk berpegang pada hukum hukumMU yang adil (Mazmur 
119:105 -106)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have taken an oath 
and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws (Psalm 119: 105 - 106)


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