Reflection : Negeri berpemerintahan kleptokratik tidak akan bisa 
mensejahterakan rakyat, selain kaum berkuasa!

President: Indonesia must become successful country
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 22:52 WIB | National | 
Palembang (ANTARA News) - President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said Indonesia 
must be able to overcome various challenges after it had successfully overcome 
a number of crises in the past decade.

In his lecture on "Why Indonesia Must Be Successful" to students of the 
Indonesia School of Journalism given at the National Press Day here on Tuesday 
the head of state said "we have passed the past tests and therefore we must 
also be able to overcome the tests to be met in the future to make Indonesia 
more advanced in the 21st century."

He said Indonesia had passed two crises in the last decade namely the financial 
crisis in 1998 that led to a political reform in the country and the global 
crisis in 2008 that had triggered food, energy and climate crisis.

President Yudhoyono said the crises had made the country`s economy to drop, 
triggered conflicts and disintegrative efforts. Some have even predicted that 
Indonesia would break up and vanish, he said. However Indonesia had been able 
to pass the difficult times, he said.

"We have survived as a nation and made positive changes. There has been a 
reawakening and Indonesia`s role in the international forum is increasing," he 

President Yudhoyono said Indonesia must be able to pass the next challenges 
after having been able to overcome the hardships so far, namely realizing 
economic improvement, people`s welfare and strengthening democracy and justice.

He said it was difficult to predict if crisis would happen again in the future 
or not but it was sure there would be challenges that Indonesia had to meet 
such as polarization in the world`s powers, clashes of civilizations, 
competition for food, energy resources and water, epidemic and climate change.

In view of that he said the Indonesian people must muster its potentials to 
achieve inclusive development goals and meet the challenges.

"Indonesia will be able to achieve them all because we have a lot of capital, 
experience and momentum," he said.(*)

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