
COMMENT: Illegal immigrants in Greece -Babar Ayaz

 Most Pakistani immigrants I talked to were honest and forthright. They all 
admitted that they had entered Greece illegally and are struggling hard. The 
story of young Waqas Ahmed, who hails from a small village of Gujrat, is 
typical. He had paid Rs 700,000 to the agent in Gujrat to get to Unaan

Socrates used to talk to young men in the narrow lanes of ancient Athens. He 
did not preach but raised questions, which led the interlocutors to think about 
the virtues of Sparta and the shortcomings of their rulers. He had to give his 
life to what he thought was the truth.

Today in the same lanes, some two-and-a-half-millenniums down the history lane, 
young men from Gujrat are seen hiding at the sight of Athens' police. They fear 
arrest and deportation. These young men have risked their lives to come to the 
dreamland of prosperity and security. There is no Socrates back home to raise 
questions in their minds that may dissuade our young men from taking this 
dangerous route.

My interest in the young Pakistani economic immigrants to Greece started right 
from the moment I overheard two Punjabi gentlemen in the overcrowded passenger 
lounge of Abu Dhabi. A hefty man in his early 40s was telling his young friend, 
"I went to Unaan (Greece) illegally 20 years ago by ship. May God bless Bhatti 
sahib who helped many people from my village to go to Europe!"

Most Pakistani immigrants I talked to were honest and forthright. They all 
admitted that they had entered Greece illegally and are struggling hard. The 
story of young Waqas Ahmed, who hails from a small village of Gujrat, is 
typical. He is now vending do number ka Chinese maal at the Flea Market in the 
Plaka area of Athens. He says: "I make around 300 euros a month by selling 
these cheap Chinese electronic things. Those who are lucky to get a job make 
600-800 euros per month and have been able to send money back home to pay back 
their debts." Waqas had paid Rs 700,000 to the agent in Gujrat to get to Unaan. 
To raise the money, his family sold some land and his brother had to borrow 
from friends and relatives. "God bless the agent, he took five of us from our 
village to the Iran border, where 20 other people joined us. We were then 
handed over to the Iranian agent, who made us walk and ride dunkeys (donkeys) 
through the mountainous terrain and passed us on to the Turkish agent. Again we 
walked in the night through the mountains and rested in the morning. 
Eventually, after travelling for two months over the mountains, we were 
delivered to the Greek agent, who took money and left us to fend for 
ourselves." "But sir," he added, "once you are here, your own people take care 
of you."

Waqas agreed with me that with the money he gave to the agents (human 
traffickers), he could have started his own business. "I was crazy about going 
abroad," he confessed, "all the young men who were with me have either followed 
this course or are planning to do so." Another immigrant says that in many 
villages of Gujrat and Sialkot each household has at least one young man in 
Europe and all have come through illegal means. Once in Athens, I found out 
that there are about one million immigrants in Greece and half of them are from 
Albania, Romania and Poland. A recent survey says that 45 percent Greeks are 
against immigrants. This resentment is increasing because of the serious 
economic crisis in the country. But the good news is that Pakistani immigrants 
are considered to be "good people". Reason: the Greeks hate the pushy Albanians 
who run the Mafia. They do not resent Pakistanis and Indians because they do 
the hard factory (or other) jobs not liked by the Greeks.

Though on a holiday, I could not resist the thought of finding out more about 
these economic immigrants. At the understaffed Embassy of Pakistan in Athens, I 
saw a large number of young Pakistanis, mostly from Gujrat and Sialkot 
villages. They all waited in a long queue patiently. All of them had the same 
story that we came to Greece illegally and are now trying to get our passport 
and National Identity Card for Overseas Pakistanis (NICOP). One young lad 
complained that the embassy sends the papers for verification, which takes a 
long time. But the majority said that they get their papers within three 
months. Inside, the burly Head of Chancery Faisal Kakar was drowned in 
applications and registers. According to him, there are around 45,000 illegal 
Pakistanis in Greece. Unofficial figures are twice that number. One embassy 
employee complained that when the total number of Pakistanis in Greece was not 
more than a few hundred, we had a sanctioned staff strength of three and now, 
despite the fact that it is over 45,000, the number of staff has not been 
increased. Why blame Waqas who comes from the large family of a small farmer 
and is hardly a matriculate from a low quality government school?

A good majority of low-income immigrants had taken the illegal route. Gujrat, 
Gujranwala and Sialkot are notorious for this among the Western diplomats in 
Islamabad. It is no wonder that we are now getting close to $ 8 billion in 
foreign remittances, something that is proudly announced by every government. 
Even our beggars migrate illegally to Saudi Arabia in search of generous alms, 
the courtesy of some Umra agents.

The Richie Riches of Pakistan have mostly bought a second passport. Most of 
them are not honest enough like their poor Gujrati cousins to admit that they 
have a second passport. Those who do, rationalise it: "One has to have a 
fall-back arrangement." This speaks volumes about their faith in the future of 
Pakistan. At the risk of being labelled unpatriotic by over-zealous 
nationalists, I have to concede that no political and security analyst at 
present can take on a bet that our security situation is going improve in the 
near future. There are many who invested first in Dubai and are now doing so in 
Malaysia just to get the residential permit, which clearly prohibits such 
people from undertaking any work in these countries. Contrary to the reverse 
brain drain trend in India, our qualified younger lot has either migrated or is 
trying to do so. Their argument is that the country's law and order situation 
is not conducive to bringing up their children. Middle class boys talk against 
migration only till they get the opportunity to jump ship.

Economic migration is understandable as, according to a large international 
survey conducted by Gallup, almost 700 million people said that they would like 
to move to another country. The interesting thing was that a majority of 
respondents from the developed countries also expressed an urge to migrate. The 
tragedy is that our disadvantaged are economic migrants and upper-middle class 
are security migrants. Where does it leave my country that is now faced with 
both the brain and brawn drain?

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