Ini berita bohong yang dikirim oleh seseorang yang suka iseng, saya berada di 
Korea dan tidak membutuhkan kiriman uang sama sekali. Harap maklum adanya.
Salam dalam kasihNYA
Ir. H.L. Njoo
Hope you get this on time? Sorry I didn't inform you about my trip to Uk  for a 
program, I am presently in Surrey and am having some difficulties here because 
i misplaced my wallet on my way to the hotel where my money and other valuable 
things were. presently my passport and my things are been held down by the 
hotel management pending when i make payment.

I need you to help me with a loan of (1,850 pounds= $2,900)  to pay my hotel 
bills and to get myself back home. I will appreciate whatever you can afford to 
assist me with, I will refund the money back to you as soon as i return, let me 
know if you can be of any help? ASAP.  I don't have a phone where i can be 
reached. I am so confused right now.  please let me know immediately 
Kind regard
Evangelist Njoo

FirmanMU itu pelita bagi kakiku dan terang bagi jalanku. Aku telah bersumpah 
dan aku akan menepatinya, untuk berpegang pada hukum hukumMU yang adil (Mazmur 
119:105 -106)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. I have taken an oath 
and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws (Psalm 119: 105 - 106)


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