Malaysia's Brain Drain

      Written by Mariam Mokhtar     
      Thursday, 18 February 2010  
      It's Not Just Politics and Racial Discrimination. 

      Malaysia's brain drain appears to be picking up speed. According to a 
recent parliamentary report, 140,000 left the country, probably for good, in 
2007. Between March 2008 and August 2009, that figure more than doubled to 
305,000 as talented people pulled up stakes, apparently disillusioned by rising 
crime, a tainted judiciary, human rights abuses, an outmoded education system 
and other concerns. 

      The general assumption is that Chinese and Indians form the majority of 
those abandoning the country of their birth because ethnic Malays consider them 
pendatang - aliens in a Malay land, regardless of how long they have been in 
the country. However, increasing numbers of Malays have already emigrated as 
well, or are seriously thinking it, dismayed by corrupt practices as well as 
the rigid confines of Islam and the rise of fundamentalism embodied in the 
revelation on Wednesday by Home Minister Hishammuddin Tun Hussein that three 
women had been caned in Kajang Prison in Selangor on Feb. 9 for having had 
illicit sex under shariah law.

      In 2000, according to figures compiled in 2007, 40 percent of Malaysian 
emigrants headed for Singapore - at the same time Singaporeans are headed 
somewhere else. By one estimate, (Singaporeans Seek Asylum Elsewhere, Asia 
Sentinel, Jan. 7) the number who put the Lion City behind them is as high as 15 
percent of annual births. In 2006, the Transport Minister, Raymond Lim, 
expressed concern that 53 percent of Singaporean teens would consider 
emigration. One website survey put Singapore's average outflow at 26.11 
migrants per 1,000 citizens, the second highest in the world - next only to 
East Timor (51.07).

      Of the other émigrés, 30 percent go to OECD countries (Australia, New 
Zealand, the United States, Canada and Britain) 20 percent to Asian countries 
(Brunei, Philippines, Indonesia) and the rest of the world (10 percent). 
Malaysian Employers Federation executive director, Shamsuddin Bardan, said in 
an interview that 785,000 Malaysians are working overseas. Unofficially, the 
figure is well over 1 million. 

      Nor are people all that is leaving. Asia Sentinel reported on Jan.11 
(Malaysia's Disastrous Capital Flight) that there has been an exodus of money 
from Malaysia on a scale which surpasses that which occurred during the Asian 
crisis. The decline is also reflected in a sudden decline in base money supply 
- even while, thanks to Bank Negara, broader M2 has continued to grow modestly.

      A major problem is the flight of graduates. As early as 2004, former 
Premier Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was becoming concerned, pointing out that as many 
as many as 30,000 thought to be working in foreign countries, many of whom had 
held scholarships in top universities from the Malaysian government but chose 
to stay overseas at the end of their studies. Former Prime Minister Mahathir 
Mohamad demanded that other countries pay Malaysia for having seduced them to 
stay, " since, by right, the graduates' training and knowledge should be called 
intellectual property."

      The typical reasons are well-documented: improved employment and business 
prospects, higher salaries, better working environments, greater chances of 
promotion and a relatively superior quality of life. 

      Three Malay women put a personal face on statistics in conversation with 
Asia Sentinel, sharing their decisions to emigrate. Two are graduates of 
overseas universities, the third is from a local school. Their decisions to 
leave were made, they say, after a lot of soul searching. But for these women, 
money and economic incentives were not the end-all. Their names have been 
changed to protect them.

      Anita claims to have left because of her sexuality. She graduated from a 
university in the United Kingdom but continued with a post-graduate degree 
course. At the end of her studies, she worked in a multinational corporation in 
London and is now a department head. She was recently married, in a civil 
ceremony, in the UK. A Malay, Anita is naturally Muslim. Her partner is another 
woman, Nadia, an Iraqi Jew. They met as undergraduates.

      For a decade, the two made the annual pilgrimage to Malaysia to visit 
Anita's ageing parents, Anita says. When in Kuala Lumpur, they are regular 
patrons of lesbian joints in Bangsar. After the Malaysian National Fatwa 
Council issued an edict banning lesbianism in 2008, Anita travelled alone. 
Nadia dislikes the risk of being 'caught,' The clues to their sexuality are 
their short cropped hair, Doc Marten shoes, preponderance of masculine clothes 
and, on closer inspection, their identical wedding rings with each other's 
names inscribed. Anita is in self-imposed exile because her partner will not be 
allowed to reside in Malaysia. 

      Although male homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia and sodomy incurs a 
punishment of 20 years jail, Malaysia's civil code does not ban lesbianism. 
Malaysian men are just so big-headed that they cannot imagine any woman not 
wanting to sleep with a man. 

      "It is unacceptable to see women who love the male lifestyle including 
dressing in the clothes men wear," said Abdul Shukor Husin, the Fatwa Council 
chairman. Harussani Idris Zakaria, the mufti of Perak, says that the council's 
ruling was not legally binding as it had not been passed into law. He wants 
tomboys to be banned because their actions are immoral. "It doesn't matter if 
it's a law or not," he says, 

      In 2000, Malaysia had around 80,000 official expatriates. By 2008, this 
figure had shrunk to 38,000 as the collapsing global economy cut into trade and 
thus trade and Malaysian exports. When Bibi worked in an electronics factory in 
north Perak, little did she foresee marrying her expatriate quality control 
engineer. After his conversion to Islam and their subsequent marriage, he 
attempted unsuccessfully to gain permanent residence. He claims to have spent a 
small fortune on lawyers, on 'proof' and photographs for the application 
process, and several trips to the immigration offices to be 'verified'. He 
claims that one low ranking government official even offered him a birth 
certificate for RM60,000, as a pre-cursor to a 'red' identity card, which would 
help facilitate the PR status. 

      When Bibi's husband's work permit expired, he attempted to form a trading 
company. He travelled to the border every few months to renew his 
immigration-social visit pass, while he explored this avenue. He was ineligible 
for a sole proprietorship and although he could form a limited company with 51 
percent bumiputra ownership, he found that for one reason or another, it was 
not viable. Local partners wanted maximum profits for little or no work. A 
Caucasian, he was seen as a cash cow, he says. 

      In addition, the Perak town they lived in was very provincial. Had he 
lived in Kuala Lumpur or Penang, he could be anonymous, like the expatriates 
married to Malay women in these cities. As an expat convert in his local town, 
the Malays expected him to uphold Malay values and scrutinized his every move, 
right down to his religious obligations. He was disillusioned with living in a 
goldfish bowl and both he and Bibi left for Europe.

      According to one local daily, the number of Malaysian researchers, 
scientists and engineers working overseas exceeds 20,000 with 40 percent of 
them in the United States and 10 percent in Australia. When Ida graduated from 
Australia with a chemical engineering degree, she worked in a chemical plant in 
Selangor. Her friendship with a chemist blossomed into love, with talk of 
marriage. There was one problem - Anthony was a Catholic. He dutifully 
presented himself at the mosque for agama lessons in preparation for his 
conversion. The imam never appeared for their pre-arranged appointments. 
Frustrated with being let down repeatedly, he stopped going. His lucky break 
came when he was offered a job in a neighboring country. Ida joined him. She 
was free from parental and family pressures, he from the religious zealots. 
They married. He retained his faith, she remained a Muslim. They started a 
family and have since emigrated to New Zealand. Recently, she embraced 

      Malaysian emigration has critical policy implications. There are 
questions over what will happen when overseas students receive employment 
offers in the country where they are studying, when skilled people leave 
Malaysia, when pensioners retire abroad (the silver economy) and the nation 
registers an increase in unskilled foreign workers but a decrease in skilled 

      The challenge for policymakers is to harness the economic and political 
potential of this largely ignored diaspora. There is no point pretending 
Malaysia does not have a serious problem. The incentives to reverse the brain 
drain and attract those who are abroad must be reviewed, as they are currently 
ineffective. For many like Anita, Bibi and Ida, it is not just politics and 
racial discrimination but also religious and social pressures that drive them 


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