Refleksi: Apakah pengiriman TKW bukan human trafficking berbendera merah putih? 
 Dikocok-kocok di Arab Saudia mau saja kirim kesana, inikah solusi kehidupan 
rakyat yang dimiskinkan oleh rezim berkuasa.

Woman, brother held for torturing maid

Published: Mar 24, 2010 03:54 Updated: Mar 24, 2010 03:54 

TAIF: Police arrested a Saudi woman and her brother for torturing an Indonesian 
maid in Taif recently. 

Police officers found the injured Indonesian maid on a street. The maid told 
how the woman she worked for had been abusing her. 

She was then taken to Taif's King Faisal Hospital for treatment. The Saudi 
woman and her brother are being held for questioning.

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