Sweden fights for stinky dish 
June 25, 2010 
SWEDEN is fighting European Union food safety rules in a battle to save one of 
its traditional delicacies, a smelly dish made from fermented Baltic herrings.

Swedish Agriculture Minister Eskil Erlandsson has pleaded with John Dalli, the 
EU's Consumer and Health Protection Commissioner, to save surstroemming, a 
delicacy from northern Sweden so smelly it has to be eaten outside.

The rotten herring dish is produced under a special exemption for Sweden and 
Finland from EU rules on the sale of fatty fish from the Baltic Sea, which have 
dioxin pollution levels considered too high for consumer safety.

Next year, the loophole will close and the EU will ban production or sale of 

Commission officials said Mr Dalli had politely declined a can of the herring.


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