July 23, 2010

Pakistani Taliban widen jihad 
By Arif Jamal 

The local chapter of Pakistan's Jamaat-i-Islami (JI) Islamist political party 
held a rally on April 19 in the historic Kissa Khwani Bazaar of Peshawar to 
protest the extremely low gas pressure and rolling blackouts that affect 
Peshawar residents up to 10 hours per day. 

As leaders announced the end of the rally and protesters started to leave, a 
14-year old suicide bomber detonated his suicide vest, killing 23 persons and 
injuring 50 others. The bomber successfully targeted local JI leaders and 
police officers - among the dead were JI Peshawar vice amir Haji Dost Mohammad 
and deputy superintendent of police Gulfat Hussain. 

Due to the fact that Hussain was a Shi'ite Muslim, it was initially thought the 
bomber had specifically targeted him. However, all

other evidence suggested the real targets of the bomber were the JI leaders. 
Had it been by chance or mistake, they would not have continued to target more 
JI leaders later on. In order to downplay its differences with the Taliban and 
other jihadi groups, JI tried to blame the Americans for the bombing, with JI 
leader Hafiz Hashmat accusing private security firm Blackwater (Xe Services 
LLC) for the attack. 

The suicide bombing of the JI rally was an attempt to widen the war that the 
Pakistani Taliban are fighting against the state of Pakistan. Although the 
bombing was not the only attack on JI leaders in recent months, it was the 
biggest, and such targeted attacks have continued. On June 16, the Taliban in 
Hangu assassinated JI leader Fida Saadi, a provincial executive council member. 
Soon afterwards they killed JI leader Haji Mohammad Khan and kidnapped his son 
in Darra Adamkhel on June 23. 

The aim of the Pakistani Taliban is to establish an Islamic caliphate, one 
excluding the participation of all other Islamist groups. When the Afghan 
mujahideen found Kabul in sight after the fall of Dr Mohammad Najibullah's 
regime in the early 1990s, they threw themselves at one another's throats. The 
ensuing civil war gave birth to the Taliban movement. 

Recently, the Pakistani Taliban intensified their war on the Barelvi movement 
and Sufi Islam by bringing the conflict to Punjab. New fronts were opened 
against the JI with the April 19 suicide bombing in Peshawar and against the 
Ahmadi community with a suicide bombing in Lahore on May 28. 

The enmity between the JI and different parts of the Pakistani Taliban is both 
ideological and political. Although both JI and the Deobandi groups among the 
Pakistani Taliban follow the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, JI places less 
stress on ritual and more on political Islam. The Deobandis abhor the JI 
leaders (some of whom wear Western dress) and accuse them of having a lust for 
political power. [1] 

However, the real existential threat to the JI comes from the 
Tehrik-i-Nifaz-i-Shariat Mohammadi (TNSM), led by Maulana Sufi Mohammad and his 
son-in-law Maulana Fazlullah. They lead the Pakistani Taliban in the Malakand 
Division and the Swat Valley. 

Maulana Sufi Mohammad was a local leader of the JI until the early 1980s, when 
he developed differences with the party. In his desperation to grab political 
power, Sufi Mohammad started opposing the JI's policy of attaining power 
through elections. 

He argued that an Islamic state could not be established through elections 
because the majority of people never vote in favor of Islamist parties. He 
started believing that the only way to establish an Islamic state was to follow 
the jihad philosophy of Maulana Maududi (1903-1979), the late founder of the 
Jamaat-i-Islami. Sufi Mohammad accused the JI leaders of deviating from 
Maududi's example. [2] 

The real, personalized enmity between the two started after the US-led invasion 
of Afghanistan in October 2001. Most Islamist and jihadi groups started holding 
public rallies across Pakistan in favor of the Afghan Taliban. JI was in the 
forefront of these demonstrations, threatening that they would cross into 
Afghanistan to fight the Americans if US forces landed there. 

However, only Sufi Mohammad led thousands of his followers into Afghanistan. 
Unprepared as they were, most of them died in US air strikes. Sufi Mohammad 
retreated with his decimated militia to Pakistan, where he accused the JI of 
luring him and his fighters into Afghanistan to weaken or eliminate them. Sufi 
Mohammad never forgave the JI and started preparing his revenge. In interviews 
the author conducted in 2004-2005, several TNSM commanders portrayed JI as a 
bigger threat than the Americans. [3] 

It is difficult to say which group of the Pakistani Taliban has an interest in 
attacking the JI at this time. It is a safe bet, however, to believe that the 
followers of Sufi Mohammad want to take their long-delayed revenge. In the 
intense sectarian atmosphere, other groups would happily follow the lead. 

Pakistan seems to be entering a period similar to that which Afghanistan went 
through between the fall of Najibullah and the advent of the Taliban in the 
1990s, when different factions of the mujahideen fought to eliminate their 

As the Pakistani Taliban spread their jihad to rival Islamist groups, the 
possibility of other Islamist militias being drawn into a civil war between 
extremist groups is looking more and more probable. If this happens, it will be 
bloodier than the mujahideen battles in the 1990s in Afghanistan, with an 
unimaginable international impact. 

1. Author's interview with Maulana Ajmal Qadri, June 15, 2002. 
2. Author's interview with Sufi Mohammad, Maidan, July, 2001. 
3. Arif Jamal, "Sharia here, in the country, in the world," The News on Sunday, 
Karachi, March 6, 2005. 

Arif Jamal is a visiting fellow at the New York University and author of Shadow 
War - The Untold Story of Jihad in Kashmir. 

(This article first appeared in The Jamestown Foundation. Used with 

(Copyright 2010 The Jamestown Foundation)

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