Poor image hurts Pakistan funds appeal 
Agnes Pedrero 
August 17, 2010 - 5:54AM 

Aid agencies are struggling to get funds for millions of Pakistan flood victims 
because the country suffers from an "image deficit", aid officials say, with 
some blaming perceived links with the Taliban and terrorism.

The international response to the disaster was described as "pitiful" by 
Britain's Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, who said many countries have also 
failed to grasp the scale of the catastrophe, which has affected up to 20 
million people.

Elizabeth Byrs, spokeswoman of the UN Office for the Coordination of 
Humanitarian Affairs, said: "We note often an image deficit with regards to 
Pakistan among Western public opinion."

As a result, Pakistan is among countries that are poorly financed, like Yemen," 
she added.

Melanie Brooks, spokeswoman of the aid group Care International, insisted that 
the United Nations must explain to donor states that "the money is not going to 
go to the hands of the Taliban".

"The victims are the mothers, the farmers, children. But in the past, 
information linked to Pakistan has always been linked to (the) Taliban and 
terrorism," she said.

Filipe Ribeiro, the director-general of Doctors Without Borders (MSF), also 
pointed to the "bad press" surrounding Pakistan as a reason for the slow flow 
of aid funds.

"In the media, Pakistan is clearly a country linked to terrorism and 
corruption, that there, the victims are not as innocent as others," he said.

The United Nations has been struggling to obtain $US460 million ($A515 million) 
to provide emergency aid to six million victims of the country ravaged by heavy 

According to the latest update of funding pledges, the international community 
has transferred $US148 million ($A166 million) or 32 per cent of the total 
needed to the UN since the appeal was launched last week.

The United States has made the biggest contribution so far, while Britain was 
the second largest country donor.

The World Bank said on Monday it has agreedto provide a $US900 million ($A1.01 
billion) loan to Pakistan following a request from Islamabad.

Clegg, who has taken day-to-day charge of the government while Prime Minister 
David Cameron is on holiday, said while Britain had taken a leading role in the 
relief effort, other countries needed to do more.

"The response from the international community as a whole, I have to say, has 
been lamentable. It's been absolutely pitiful," said Clegg.

"One of the reasons may be because this is a disaster on a scale that people 
are struggling to understand.

"We have already taken a lead in the international effort but we need other 
people to help."

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon also urged the world to speed up aid for the 
country when he flew in on Sunday to visit areas ravaged by record floods.

According to Pakistani authorities, around a quarter of the country, which 
extends over 800,000 square kilometres and counts 167 million inhabitants, has 
been affected by the floods over the last three weeks.

The United Nations estimates 14 million people have been affected and 1600 have 
died. The government in Islamabad has confirmed 1384 deaths.

Billions would be needed in the long term to reconstruct the villages, 
infrastructure and harvests devastated by the floods, the UN said, also warning 
of the threat of waterborne diseases.

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