Now he tells us: Cuba economic model doesn't work, says Fidel 
Paul Haven 
September 10, 2010 
Still mentally alert ... Fidel Castro in Havana last week. 

HAVANA: Fidel Castro has told a visiting American journalist that Cuba's 
economic model does not work any more, a rare comment on domestic affairs since 
stepping down from the presidency four years ago.

Dr Castro also lambasted Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his 
anti-Semitism and denial of the Holocaust.

The blunt economic assessment by the father of Cuba's 1959 revolution is sure 
to raise eyebrows, particularly from his younger brother, Raul, the country's 
President since 2006.

Jeffrey Goldberg, a national correspondent for The Atlantic magazine, asked if 
Cuba's economic system was still worth exporting to other countries. Dr Castro 
replied: ''The Cuban model doesn't even work for us any more,'' Mr Goldberg 
wrote on Wednesday in a post on his blog.

He said Dr Castro made the comment casually over lunch following a long talk 
about the Middle East and did not elaborate. The Cuban government had no 
immediate comment on Mr Goldberg's account.

Julia Sweig, a Cuba expert at the Council on Foreign Relations who accompanied 
Mr Goldberg on the trip, confirmed the former Cuban leader's comment. She said 
she took the remark to be in line with President Raul Castro's call for gradual 
but widespread reform, and a comment on too big an involvement of the state in 
the domestic economy.

The Cuban state controls well over 90 per cent of the economy, paying workers 
salaries of about $US20 ($21.82) a month in return for free healthcare and 
education, and nearly free transportation and housing.

Since stepping down in 2006 Dr Castro has focused on international affairs and 
has said very little about Cuba and its politics, perhaps to limit perceptions 
he is stepping on his younger brother's toes.

Mr Goldberg, who was in Cuba at Dr Castro's invitation last week to discuss a 
recent Atlantic article he wrote about Iran's nuclear program, wrote that 
''Castro repeatedly returned to his excoriation of anti-Semitism''. In a 
passionate defence of Israel's right to exist, Dr Castro, a longtime critic of 
Israeli government policies, said Jews had been slandered more than any other 
people and slaughtered for centuries whereas Muslims were not blamed for 

The former leader criticised Mr Ahmadinejad for denying the Holocaust and urged 
Tehran to acknowledge the ''unique'' history of anti-Semitism and understand 
why Israelis feared for their existence.

Mr Goldberg also asked Dr Castro what he now thought about his recommendation 
to the Soviet Union to bomb the US during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. 
''After I've seen what I've seen, and knowing what I know now, it wasn't worth 
it all.''

Mr Castro, 83, stepped down in 2006 due to a serious illness that nearly killed 

The Goldberg interview is the only one he has given to an American journalist 
since he left office.

Mr Goldberg said the former leader's body was frail but his mind was acute. 
''And not only that: the late-stage Fidel Castro turns out to possess something 
of a self-deprecating sense of humour. When I asked him, over lunch, to answer 
what I've come to think of as the Christopher Hitchens question - has your 
illness caused you to change your mind about the existence of God? - he 
answered: 'Sorry, I'm still a dialectical materialist.'''

Associated Press, Guardian News & Media


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