Because I tend to track this issue

see latest notes there (you need llvm 15.0.4 -  yeah, in this case 0.0.1
version matters) and mesa git + some merge requests manually merged, but
results relatively promising - darktable starts and enjoy some 2x speedup
(on Power CPU, no less!), Lux render also starts and works.

Ffmpeg I guess not tested yet :)

for me ffmpeg -filters | grep opencl shows

... avgblur_opencl    V->V       Apply average blur filter      ...
boxblur_opencl    V->V       Apply boxblur filter to input video
... colorkey_opencl   V->V       Turns a certain color into transparency.
Operates on RGB colors.                            ... convolution_opencl
V->V       Apply convolution mask to input video
 ... deshake_opencl    V->V       Feature-point based video stabilization
filter                                                        ...
dilation_opencl   V->V       Apply dilation effect          ...
erosion_opencl    V->V       Apply erosion effect            ...
nlmeans_opencl    V->V       Non-local means denoiser through OpenCL
                                            ... overlay_opencl    VV->V
  Overlay one video on top of another
... pad_opencl        V->V       Pad the input video.             ...
prewitt_opencl    V->V       Apply prewitt operator         ...
program_opencl    |->V       Filter video using an OpenCL program
 ... roberts_opencl    V->V       Apply roberts operator       ...
sobel_opencl      V->V       Apply sobel operator          ...
tonemap_opencl    V->V       Perform HDR to SDR conversion with tonemapping.
  ... transpose_opencl  V->V       Transpose input video
 ... unsharp_opencl    V->V       Apply unsharp mask to input video
... xfade_opencl      VV->V      Cross fade one video with another video.
openclsrc         |->V       Generate video using an OpenCL program

for tonemapping on OpenCL this line was suggested (on Nvidia) - see below.

so I guess we can use it as example for trying on Radeons (comment about
OpenCL 1.2 needed still apply, but rusticl exposes 3.0 :-) )

there is also AUR package, but not sure if it tracks right branch from
Karol Herbst (developer) repo ..

I personally look at

note enabling this also require some environment flags to be set.

ffmpeg -vsync 0 -hwaccel cuda \

 -init_hw_device opencl=ocl \

-filter_hw_device ocl -extra_hw_frames 3 \

-threads 16 -c:v hevc_cuvid \

-resize 1920x1080 -i INPUT \


 -c:a copy -c:s copy \

-c:v libx264 -max_muxing_queue_size 9999 OUTPUT
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