Den 16.11.2023 21:31, skrev Андрей Спицын via Cin:
New packages are available. They were ready yesterday after the git repo update, but the github upload routine is so fragile it drives me crazy. Hopefully it will work next time. I also added the debian 11 package and dropped the alma linux 8 build due to missing dependencies.

The rpm installation on Leap 15.5 works fine 😎

Terje J. Hanssen

Best regards,

чт, 16 нояб. 2023 г. в 02:12, Rob Prowel <>:

    On 10/8/23 07:14, Андрей Спицын via Cin wrote:
    > Hello Phyllis and everyone,
    > I've created a build farm for cinelerra deb and rpm packages.
    Although it
    > is at an early stage of development, it can build packages on
    every git
    > change in the main repo. Feel free to use these packages at
    > Note that
    > correspond to a build date, not a git commit date.
    > Current build hosts are debian 12 and alma linux 8. I'm open to
    > for a new distro and packages.

    I'm always happy when folks create packages, and am sensitive to how
    much work is involved.  As kind of a guiding principle, I hope that
    packagers won't jump on the newest and latest distro kick when they
    create packages, but will take a conservative approach and understand
    that some of us would rather work on real stuff than spend all our
    upgrading the infinite number of dependencies things rely on.

    I guess that's an underhanded way of stating "would love to see
    for debian-11". LOL

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