I updated the latex manual with a "git pull" and now it no longer
produces the pdf for me. I get the error:

packages.tex Error 10: File `substitutefont.sty' not found. \usepackage

In packages.tex I have, from line 9 to line 15:

9  \usepackage{substitutefont} % so we can use fonts other than those
specified in babel
10 \usepackage[english]{babel} % default language for document
11 % Cyrillic - if it is used, no Small Caps are available:
12 %\usepackage[scaled=0.925]{XCharter} % Подключение русифицированных
13                                    % шрифтов XCharter "Connection
14                                    % of Russified XCharter Fonts"
15 \usepackage[bitstream-charter]{mathdesign} % Согласование

Do you have any idea what could have happened? Lately I have had
updates to both texlive and TexStudio, which I use to work on the
I found this link:
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