On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 01:12:33AM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> I just tried ffmpeg and it doesn't work... for the moment :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/Seagate_200Go/video/chevreuse/dv_output$ ffmpeg -i
> test.yuv -target dvd ./test_ffmpeg.mpeg2
> ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libavcodec-cvs.so: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> =(
> And I assume ffmpeg uses mpeg2enc...

Hi Nicolas --

It's been a long while since I've used Cinelerra, I just want to
assure you that is is possible to create a decent DVD from the output
of Cinelerra.  Your work will not be wasted, but it might take a while
longer to figure out some of the details.  I've done it, but sadly
it's been long enough that I've forgotten most of those details.

But some things that I do remember:  

1) Try using a lower bitrate.  I think I recall that commercial DVD's
   are encoded at something significantly lower than the 7500 that
   your mpeg2enc command line specified.  And I think I remember that
   the bitrate specified on the command line is not total bitrate, but
   just video bitrate, so that 7500 + audio will exceed spec.  Try 4500.

2) I found that ffmpeg worked much faster than mpeg2enc, and was of
   the same quality.  The difficulty is that it is poorly documented,
   and usually requires the most current CVS version to work right.
   It's been years since they've had a proper release.  But once you
   get it installed right (possibly by compiling CVS yourself) it works.

Personally, I'd recommend getting ffmpeg installed by whatever means
is necessary, and using that.  It's hard but possible.  There is also
an active mailing list for ffmpeg, and while it can be unfriendly to
newcomers, there are lots of people who really know the technology on
that list.  You'll get it figured out.  Don't despair too much!

Nathan Kurz

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